In this satirical and whimsical comedy, a young cheerleader is sent to a gay conversion therapy camp when her family suspects she might be a lesbian. Through its colorful visuals and tongue-in-cheek humor, the film mocks the absurdity of efforts to "cure" homosexuality while also offering an...
In this satirical and whimsical comedy, a young cheerleader is sent to a gay conversion therapy camp when her family suspects she might be a lesbian. Through its colorful visuals and tongue-in-cheek humor, the film mocks the absurdity of efforts to "cure" homosexuality while also offering an...
Moonlight, an Oscar-winning masterpiece, chronicles the life of a young black man grappling with his identity and sexuality, offering a raw and powerful narrative. And let's not forget Love, Simon, a charming and accessible film about a high school student's journey to coming out, which ...
Moonlight, an Oscar-winning masterpiece, chronicles the life of a young black man grappling with his identity and sexuality, offering a raw and powerful narrative. And let's not forget Love, Simon, a charming and accessible film about a high school student's journey to coming out, which ...
In this satirical and whimsical comedy, a young cheerleader is sent to a gay conversion therapy camp when her family suspects she might be a lesbian. Through its colorful visuals and tongue-in-cheek humor, the film mocks the absurdity of efforts to "cure" homosexuality while also offering an...
The film has now been made into a stage play by Rikki Beadle-Blair and premiered in London and The Edinburgh Festival in 2007. Released: 2015 Directed by: Roland Emmerich 65 Dallas Buyers Club Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner, Jared Leto 367 votes In mid-1980s Texas, electrician Ron ...
In this satirical and whimsical comedy, a young cheerleader is sent to a gay conversion therapy camp when her family suspects she might be a lesbian. Through its colorful visuals and tongue-in-cheek humor, the film mocks the absurdity of efforts to "cure" homosexuality while also offering an...
The film has now been made into a stage play by Rikki Beadle-Blair and premiered in London and The Edinburgh Festival in 2007. Released: 2015 Directed by: Roland Emmerich 65 Dallas Buyers Club Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner, Jared Leto 367 votes In mid-1980s Texas, electrician Ron ...
In this satirical and whimsical comedy, a young cheerleader is sent to a gay conversion therapy camp when her family suspects she might be a lesbian. Through its colorful visuals and tongue-in-cheek humor, the film mocks the absurdity of efforts to "cure" homosexuality while also offering an...
The film has now been made into a stage play by Rikki Beadle-Blair and premiered in London and The Edinburgh Festival in 2007. Released: 2015 Directed by: Roland Emmerich 65 Dallas Buyers Club Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner, Jared Leto 368 votes In mid-1980s Texas, electrician Ron ...