Directed by the legendary James Mangold, 'Ford v. Ferrari' tells the story of British race car driver Ken Miles (Christian Bale) and American car designer, Carroll Shelby (Matt Damon). They try to defy the odds and build a groundbreaking race car for Ford to beat Ferrari at the famous s...
'I'm Still Here' review: Brilliant political biopic honors family's resilience during dictatorship2025-01-22 Chicago Sun-Times: This year’s Golden Globes nominees for best performance by a female actor in a motion picture (drama) included four Oscar winners in Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, ...
One of my favorite things is to watch an actor blossom into creative stardom by choosing the right film roles. We all know that many actors wind up choosing the wrong roles or accepting what is offered to them, so when a young actor is given a chance to shine it’s reaffirming. Vanessa...
She became interested in research on acting, and received a master's degree and a PhD at Södertörn University. Her PhD thesis from 2012 is called Skådespelarens praktiska kunskap (The actor's practical knowledge).She is Professor of Research in the Arts at the Stockholm Academy of ...
Being chastised repeatedly for not seeing the film on the biggest movie theater screen imaginable, I watched this offering on the plane primarily out of curiosity to see what all the fuss was about. In a nutshell, I thought the visuals and action/adventure sequences up in the sky were secon...
Another Self-Driving Car AI using SAC. AI Doctor Chatbot by fine-tuning Llama 2 LLM. Upon completion, students receive access to three extra AI models: DDPG, or Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient; Full World Model; and Evolution Strategies & Genetic Algorithms. The course also includes a free...
It’s Tuesday, so it’s time for two more cards of GPKs being a menace! Today Topps launched 2024 Garbage Pail Kids Media Menace cards #3-#4. Card #3a, Cooking Carmy, was done by Neil Camera and depicts actor Jeremy Allen White from the Bear eating his Emmy award. Card #4a, Cal...
Emmy winning actor and Heather's high school friend DAN BUCATINSKY joins the show to talk about their upbringing in Chappaqua, reconnecting on the set of NBC's Jenny, why Dan started #Failure Friday, why you should NOT deprive your child "the privilege of suffering", why Dan could never...
The demo showed an in-game character holding a very convincing conversation with an actor onstage, using Xbox’s then-new Kinect. And while Molyneux’s team swore it was all working and real, neither the game nor the technology ever saw the light of day. Ubisoft’s technology comes in ...
This is another watch I’d love to see at the shop, it’s such a beauty if anyone has one that needs repair please do send it to us. visit us at of course we service many other brands and styles but I’d love to see this one/ 9 mm and a thickness of 10. Cartier-wearing red...