Call of Duty is an iconic action FPS video game franchise. We’re not seeing any shortages of this IP releasing into the market as each year developers bring out a new installment for players to enjoy. With that said, there have been rumors stating that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare would...
Spelunky is an action-platformer that mixes in rogue-lite elements to create one of the tougher indie games to come out recently. Every level is procedurally generated, meaning that there will never be the same level layout multiple times, and the same can be said for enemy placements and it...
We’re still early in 2018 and while certainly there are tons of action-oriented games coming, they won’t be showing up anytime soon, or at least after this year’s E3 conference in June. So while we wait for them, let’s look back at 2017 and check out the best action games tha...
摘要: A list of top 10 popular PS2 games is presented. The number one is Final Fantasy X. It is followed by Okami, in which a wolf travels through Japanese myths. God of War II is sequel to Sony's acclaimed action game.年份: 2006 ...
4.Horizon: Zero Dawn Horizon: Zero Dawnshocked many people: who would have thought that the next game from the people that worked on the Killzone series was an action RPG and an amazing one at that?Horizonis still one of the best looking PS4 games to date and it’s great combat system...
Developer: Lizardcube, Guard Crush Games, Dotemu Publisher: Dotemu Platforms: Dotemu Release: PC, PS4, XBO, NS Co-op: Online, Local Competitive Multiplayer: N/A The classic beat ‘em up is back in action with Streets of Rage 4. Sega’s iconic franchise is finally getting some new life...
Developer: PopCap Games Genres (Video game): Puzzle game, Action game, Arcade, Strategy video game Buy atView on AMAZON 21 Peggle: Dual Shot 2009 26 votes Designed exclusively for the Nintendo DS, Peggle: Dual Shot builds upon the addicting gameplay of the original Peggle while taking advantag...
In Lego Marvel’s Avengers, you two can pick from a range of your favorite villains and superheroes; each has its unique abilities and skills, as you and your companion work to rescue the world via a series of exciting, action-packed stages. ...
A Promising New Year to look forward to Role Playing Games,the genre that everyone has a thing for. The sole purpose of RPGs have always been the complete immersion of the player’s character. They are created so that you may lose yourself in them. The real world is never of consequence...
People often associate consoles with games that feature a lot of action, with battle royale games and the like taking precedent over other genres. However, there is a huge amount of different games which players can enjoy on the PS4 and one of them is card games. We can blame no one ...