主演:大卫·杰森Nicholas Lyndhurst Hugely successful British comedy about of two streetwise London brothers: Del (Derek) and Rodney Trotter. In early years they shared their council flat with 'Grandad' (until the death of actor 'Lennard Pierce' ) later to be replaced by 'U.. 黑爵士三世 Black...
詹姆斯·卡梅隆2012 唯一一部票房突破10亿美元的007电影 NO.13变形金刚4:绝境重生 票房:$1104.0(百万美元) 迈克尔·贝2014 汽车人团队为了取悦天朝狂刮中国风 NO.14蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起 票房:$1084.9(百万美元) 克里斯托弗诺兰2012 诺兰迄今为止票房最高的电影,又是一个系列第三部最赚钱的例子 NO.15小黄人大眼萌 ...
You don’t need to be a “comic-book person” to find the set pieces exhilarating. But if you are such a person, or a fan of the movies that comic books turn into, “The Avengers” feels like the moment you’ve been waiting for. — Wesley Morris, Boston Globe 15. The Cabin in ...
2012 was a banner year for movies, and choosing the absolute best is a tough call. Blockbuster franchises like Batman and The Avengers hit their stride, while original stories like Django Unchained broke new ground.
I felt it apropos on this Oscar Eve to honor Hollywood’s annual declaration of its deep and abiding love for itself with my picks for the top 10 movies about…the movies. Action! Cinema Paradiso–Writer-director Giuseppe Tornatore’s 1988 love letter to the cinema may be too sappy for so...
50、人猿星球 导演: 弗兰克林·斯凡那 编剧: 迈克尔·威尔逊 / 罗德·瑟林 主演: 查尔登·海斯顿 / 罗迪·麦克道尔 / 金·亨特 / Maurice Evans / 琳达·哈里逊 类型: 科幻 / 悬疑 / 冒险 制片国家/地区: 美国 上映日期: 1968-02-08 片长: 112 分钟 / Argentina: 115 分钟 / Spain: 107 分钟(DVD...
2. Life of Pi (少年派的奇幻漂流) 李安可以算是国际化最成功的华人导演, 东西方文化中的价值观融合在电影语言中的集大成者, 并且对新兴摄影技术的接受和对不同题材的挖掘让李安在自己的电影履历上总会给我们惊喜, 除去水景拍摄的艰苦和电脑特效的挑战, Life of Pi最成功的地方在于留给观影者不同视角和方向的...
烂番茄评选的2012..TOP1.The Invisible War 隐秘的战争TOP2.How to Survive a Plague 瘟疫求生指南TOP3.人生七年第八季 56 Up新鲜度:100%TOP4.候诊室 The Waiting RoomTOP5.蜗牛星球 달팽이의 별
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Also ranks #3 on The Most Overrated Actors Of All Time The Best Miley Cyrus Movies 1The Last Song 214 Votes 2Hannah Montana: The Movie 168 Votes 3LOL 165 Votes 22 Florence Welch (Florence & the Machine) 25,076 votes As the lead vocalist of Florence + the Machine, Florence Welch has ...