Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples' Hugo Award-winning sci-fi epic continues in Image Comics'SagaVolume 4, the best-selling graphic novel of December. Image Comics had five titles in the top ten. IncludingSaga, Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky'sJust the Tipsrankes #3, Jonathan Hickman'sThe...
For the top 50 graphic novels actual orders in May, see 'Top 50 Graphic Novels Actual--May 2003'. For the top 300 comic actual orders in May, see'Top 300 Comics Actual--May 2003.' For an overview and analsysis of the actual May orders and an explanation of the transition to our n...
1.守望者 Watchmen 《守望者》不论在漫画界与主流媒体都备受赞誉,被视为漫画中的经典作品。《守望者》是美国《时代周刊》2005年评选出的“1923年至今百部最佳英文小说”之一,同时它以漫画这种作品形式获得了雨果…
Presents a list of the top ten graphic novels. "Epileptic," by David B.; "Amy + Jordan," by Mark Beyer; "Silly Daddy," by Joe Chiapetta; "DC: The New Frontier," by Darwin Cooke and Dave Stewart; "Mother, Come Home," by Paul Hornschemeier; "B. Krigstein: Comics," by B. ...
Award-winning cartoonist Zander Cannon (The Replacement God, Top 10, Smax, The Stuff of Life) collects his serial from the hit digital magazine Double Barrel into his long-awaited first graphic novel: a story of memory, friendship, and regret, where the past is dead and buried... but not...
Top 100 Graphic Novels: October 2020 Dracula rises from the grave to terrorize 1970s Los Angeles in Alex De Campi and Erica Henderson's Dracula Motherf—ker from Image Comics, the best-selling graphic novel of October. Marvel Comics had four titles in the top ten, led by Al Ewing, Dan ...
Explore the ever-changing worlds of Comics, Graphic Novels, and Manga, with the author of 'Comics Unmasked'' and 'Comics Art,' Paul Gravett!
1.守望者 Watchmen 《守望者》在漫画界和主流媒体都获得了极高的赞誉,被誉为漫画的经典之作。它被《时代周刊》评选为“1923年至今百部最佳英文小说”之一,并以漫画形式获得了雨果奖,被誉为“科幻艺术界的诺贝尔奖”。这部作品情节错综复杂,画面华丽优美,具有史诗般的宏大主题,堪称图画小说的里程碑。...
Top 10 Essential Graphic Novels, part 2: #5 → #1 The ‘making of’ these videos In preparation for this video shoot, during late 2016 I re-read many of my favourite comics. I also took the opportunity to borrow highly-recommended titles frommy local library‘s well-stocked graphic novel...
挖下旧闻。由CBR在2017年组织,读者投票出来的50本图像小说。只挑出M家、D家出版的作品,各自看看读过多少?(原网址:第1名,“God Loves, Man Kills”(1982)作者Chris Claremont,M家出版。“Marvel Graphic Novel”系列第五期。本次投票的...