本期榜单推荐:Years & Years - All For You翻译:咆哮的小清新 视频:wHimmy本周前50 新单19首 全是Drake的本周前50 只有3首歌上升 全是Drake的本周出榜31首 扫走了Rockstar / Havana / New Rules / Fake Love / The Light Is Coming本期Drake洗榜 歌曲因工作量较大 暂无翻译
Ranked by hip hop heads worldwide, we rate the best diss tracks like Nas' "Ether" to Hov's "Takeover," Eminem's "Killshot", to Drake's “Back to Back".
【MalloryBros】MEEK MILL (FEAT. DRAKE) - GOING BAD OFFICIAL _REACTION 441 2 14:07 App 2019年1月二十首最棒的EMO RAP SONGS! 1347 7 9:35 App 和我见一见伦敦最潮的人—Hypebeast of London 77.5万 2.3万 53:10 App 99.99%通关!全球史上最强的100首经典神曲 1973-2022年 首首炸裂,这才是真正...
NEW YORK (AP) — Drake officially owns the Billboard charts, where seven of his songs currently sit in the Top 10. All 25 tracks from Drake's ultra-popular "Scorpion" album, released on June 29, are on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. His former No. 1 hit, "Nice for...
Upon winning an Academy Award, actor Cameron Drake (Matt Dillon) honors his high school teacher, Howard Brackett (Kevin Kline), who he announces, before millions of viewers, is gay. This comes as news to Brackett's parents (Wilford Brimley, Debbie Reynolds), his principal (Bob Newhart) and...
CONTROLLA-Drake “来看球了 看球了 耶”加拿大人气说唱男歌手Drake的这首《CONTROLLA》已经在Billboard排行榜周榜停留了二十六周之久,最高记录排在了Billboard周榜第十六位。公鸭的嗓音果真有着让人欲罢不能,停也停不下来的迷之魅力,歌曲结尾也给个五星好评!
Apple Music Top 100 songs in United States. The most downloaded songs around the world, updated every day.
Tommy Richman spends a fifth week on top of the TikTok Billboard Top 50 for the chart posting June 6. It beat Lay Bankz’s run, while “Tell Ur Girlfriend” bounces back to the second spot. Sexyy Red and Drake’s “U My Everything” hits the chart at No. 3. Stephen Kramer ...
Chart of the Top 100 Hip-Hop/Rap songs in Worldwide. The most listened songs around the world.
POP STYLE-Drake Featuring The Throne 2016年对宇宙嘻哈天王Drake来说,可谓超级大丰收,仅仅在Hot 100 Songs年榜就有9首作品上榜,用屠榜来形容Drake一点都不夸张。 Pop StyleDrake TOP83 WHEN WE WERE YOUNG-Adele 《25》创造了无与伦比的商业和口碑成绩,作为二单的《WHEN WE WERE YOUNG》耐听度极高,属于越听...