43. Boston University 43. Ohio State University--Columbus 43. Purdue University 46. University of Maryland College Park 47. Lehigh University 47. Texas A&M University 47. University of Georgia 47. University of Rochester 47. Virginia Tech 47. Wake Forest University 53. Case Western Reserve Univ...
One of the best online colleges for education, Indiana Wesleyan University offers an asynchronous Bachelor of Science program. Core professional courses required for the degree include: Literature Focused Preschool Environments Classroom Management in the Primary Grades Educational Psychology for Early Learners...
第15位:University of Washington 第17位:The Ohio State University 第17位:Purdue University--Main Campus 第19位:University of Maryland, College Park 第20位:Texas A&M University 第20位:University of Georgia 第20位:Virginia Tech 美国公立大学前30 第23位:Florida State University 第23位:University o...
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其中,转学录取率最高的是OSU (Ohio State University), 它的录取率高达88.03% (申请人数3828,录取人数3370),不仅明显高于其他TOP50的学校,也远高于其自身的本科新生录取率(55.19%)。其次,UGA, UCD, UCSD,UCSB,这几所学校的转学录取率均高于60%,同时也明显高于其新生录取率,比如UCSD的转学录取率是新生的2.5倍...
50、布朗大学(Brown University) 地理位置:Providence, Rhode Island 总费用:$64,566 学费:$51,366 食宿费:$13,200 9、霍巴特威廉史密斯学院(Hobart and William Smith Colleges) 地理位置:Geneva, New York 总费用:$64,573 学费:$51,523 食宿费:$13,050 ...
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