Over 700 filmgoers have voted on the 70+ people on Greatest Directors of the 1980s. Current Top 3: John Hughes, Steven Spielberg, Robert Zemeckis
The porn world features some of the most beautiful women in the world, so this article ranks the best female pornstars. These women are not just performers, they are entrepreneurs, directors, and advocates for sexual freedom and body positivity. They come from diverse backgrounds, each bringing...
Eran Thomson is an extremely important, super famous, un-egotistical comedy director and comedy writer. Count on him to deliver silly and smart work that sells.
Over 700 filmgoers have voted on the 70+ people on Greatest Directors of the 1980s. Current Top 3: John Hughes, Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese
Céline Sciamma, whose essential-viewing films include Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Petite Maman, and this glorious drama, is proving to be not just one of cinema's best French directors, but a vital voice in all of film. One of her earlier works, Girlhood can be considered a coming-of...
It has been a trusted source for corporate security directors, life safety managers, and loss prevention professionals for over 30 years. The magazine covers a wide range of topics including cybersecurity, property management, and industry trends. Under the leadership of Editor Neil Sutton, it ...
Seven Women, Seven Sins (esp. Greed and Pride), various directors Ratcatcher, Lynne Ramsay Small Deaths, Lynne Ramsay Meek’s Cutoff, Kelly Reichardt On Dangerous Ground, Nicholas Ray Fox and his Friends, Fassbinder Veronika Voss, Fassbinder ...
Captain Marvel, co-directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck and starring Brie Larson, has inspired a wide range of reactions since its release. It's simultaneouslyone of the worst-rated MCU movies on Metacriticwhile also being one ofBrie Larson's best-rated movies on IMDb. ...
Creatively, videos at the time were dominated by a handful of visionary directors-- Jonze, Michel Gondry, and Chris Cunningham-- and there's no getting away from that in our list of our top 50 videos of the 90s. (NB: Whenever possible we've chosen official videos to limit the chances ...
Creatively, videos at the time were dominated by a handful of visionary directors-- Jonze, Michel Gondry, and Chris Cunningham-- and there's no getting away from that in our list of our top 50 videos of the 90s. (NB: Whenever possible we've chosen official videos to limit the chances ...