‘Doukyuusei’ is a romantic anime film based on the amorous affair between its male duetragonists. Rhito is an A-level student, while Hikaru is a guitarist in a band. Though they walk on completely different paths, fate pulls them together when Hikaru...
: Magister Negi Magi is a really fun romantic anime with so many interesting characters. Welsh ten-year old wizard Negi becomes a master to find his legendary mage father. Evangeline A.K. McDowell from Negima!: Magister Negi Magi is surely among the best anime vampire girls in English dubbe...
Dalloswas the first anime to be marketed and sold as a multi-part home video production, introducing a new format free of the restrictions of conventional theatrical and televised animation and opening anime up to the west That might
The inspiration for the popular anime of the same name, Seven Seas presents this romantic comedy of a rockstar and his novelist boyfriend in large-trim omnibus editions featuring an all-new translation! Rockstar wannabe Shindo Shuichi is determined to top the charts with his best friend and th...
anime app. Stay at the edge of your seat with numerous thrilling new anime shows that you can stream online and watch with the app. Entertain yourself with our streaming apps options, including adventure stories, romantic love story anime, dub and sub comedies, on our online watching anime ...
Most romance anime generally conclude after the characters become a couple. A series of events typically leads them to grow closer and develop romantic
anime app. Stay at the edge of your seat with numerous thrilling new anime shows that you can stream online and watch with the app. Entertain yourself with our streaming apps options, including adventure stories, romantic love story anime, dub and sub comedies, on our online watching anime ...
anime app. Stay at the edge of your seat with numerous thrilling new anime shows that you can stream online and watch with the app. Entertain yourself with our streaming apps options, including adventure stories, romantic love story anime, dub and sub comedies, on our online watching anime ...