Dr. Kenzo Tenma is a famous surgeon, with a brilliant future before him. When he decides to save the life of a young boy, instead of the town's mayor's, though, his reputation gets destroyed. Right after, when a series of mysterious murders begin to occur, he becomes the prime suspec...
For those craving a mind-bending cyberpunk experience,Akirais a famous, must-watch masterpiece, arguably one of the coolest animated flicks from the 80s. Set in a dystopian Tokyo, Japan, this film follows Kaneda and Tetsuo as they uncover dark secrets involving psychic powers and government con...
is an ordinary high school student. He is studying hard for the university entrance exams, which will be held soon. Akihiko Usami, a famous author, happens to be Misaki’s brother’s best friend. So, when he asks Misaki to help him, the latter thinks that it will allow him to take...
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5. Ash Ketchum (Pokemon) Ash Ketchum, also known as Satoshi in Japan, is one of themost famous animefrom the Pokemon franchise. He is the main protagonist in the Pokémon anime series and has become a pop culture icon over the years. ...
the artwork is breathtaking and on top of all of that you also get a soundtrack that is beautiful in its simplicity. Spirited Away is the highest grossing movie in Japanese history and made Studio Ghibli as famous abroad as it is in Japan. If you haven’t watched Spirited Away yet, it...
Famous voice actors in Japan are invited to dub for the Chinese animation, along with popular bands and singers who sing the theme songs. Other Chinese-made animations, such as the "Legend of Exorcism," featuring Tang Dynasty palaces...
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He’s a world-famous licensed Hunter -- so Gon sets off to take the notoriously deadly exam and become a Hunter himself. It sounds mundane and almost cheery, but Hunter x Hunter is anything but. The emotional highs and lows and the arcs of both the protagonists and antagonists are some ...
“Uzumaki,” Ito broke through as an unmistakable luminary of Japanese horror and established himself as a recognizable name both at home and in the West.Gyo, arguably his most famous work, revolves around a young couple who are assaulted by a horde of homicidal fish monsters with mechanical ...