Whiplashknocked me on my ass. Adapted from an award-winning short film,Damien Chazelle‘sFull Metal Jazz Kitis a whirlwind of genre. It’s a sports movie blanketed in a war movie and punched in the face by a character study.JK Simmonsroars as a drill sergeant of a conductor and we g...
It's either a kid who does something wrong in school or the parents want to get him to do something. There is always a sentinel or drill sergeant yelling at the protagonist like he's the only male to have a menstrual period, and a nerdy kid, one of them are put in a movie! What...
Sure, Triangle of Sadness was rewarded with three Academy Award nominations, deservedly so. Still, Ruben Östlund has a knack for challenging his audience to think outside the box, cinematically or otherwise with a robust look at social classes. He crafts a subject matter about class systems a...
aAfter spending the first week of the holidays in bed, he resolves to do as a kindly colleague advises — to `really get on top of the blighters next term from the word go.' In a year or so, if he is not qualified to move, he is another drill-sergeant. Thus Black School perpetua...
Reif, Erika