This is a dataset of the all-time top 1,000 posts, from the top 2,500 subreddits by subscribers, pulled from reddit between August 15–20, 2013. - reddit-top-2.5-million/data/learnart.csv at master · umbrae/reddit-top-2.5-million
overlayscrollbars" "^1.12.0" + "@types/react-syntax-highlighter" "11.0.5" + color-convert "^2.0.1" + core-js "^3.8.2" + fast-deep-equal "^3.1.3" + global "^4.4.0" + lodash "^4.17.21" + markdown-to-jsx "^7.1.3" + memoizerific "^1.11.3" + overlayscrollbars...;touchTimeout&&clearTimeout(touchTimeout);touch.x1=firstTouch.pageX;touch.y1=firstTouch.pageY;if(delta>0&δ<=250){touch.isDoubleTap=true}touch.last=now;longTapTimeout=setTimeout(longTap,longTapDelay);if(gesture&&e.type=="MSPointerDown"){gesture....
Method #1:Open anUpholdwallet usingthis link. Buy or sell $250 in crypto in the first 30 days, get $20 in freeBTC. Method #2: Sign up forNexousingthis link. Top up your account with $500 in crypto and complete a few tasks. Make sure your assets are still worth $500 in 30 days...
3. In both figures we overlay the expected SM tttt signal, scaled by a factor of 5. The SM predictions are generally consistent with the observations, with some possible underestimation in CRW and CRZ. The yields from SR 1–8, CRW, and CRZ are combined in a maximum-likelihood fit, ...
Malt moisture was analysed by grinding malt in a malt graining lab mill (WZ-1, Bydgoszcz, Poland) for 12 s. Then, 4 g of malt from each sample were taken and placed in a RADWAG (MA 50. R, Radom, Poland) moisture analyser. The mass of 1000 malt grains was determined according to ...
{margin-right:-.625rem;margin-left:-.625rem}.card-img-overlay{position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;padding:1.25rem;border-radius:calc(.25rem - 1px)}.card-img,.card-img-bottom,.card-img-top{-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;width:100%}.card-img,.card-img-top{border-...
The controller overlay screens remain available for those who want them. Like 2 Reply Chachas125 years ago How to disable L3 control , when I play i get the insturctions of each control example O to cancel action and I did not have this before , how to disable the L3 control its up...
From the patch notes: "We have added a new Controls Overlay Reminder that shows up throughout CAS, Gallery, Live Mode and Build Mode which should make it easier for new Simmers to jump in and not need to remember all the controls."...
(--weui-RED)}.weui-btn_overlay{background-color:#fff}.weui-btn_overlay,.weui-btn_overlay:not(.weui-btn_disabled):visited{color:var(--weui-BRAND)}.weui-btn[disabled],.weui-btn_disabled{color:var(--weui-FG-4);background-color:var(--weui-BG-1)}.weui-btn_loading .weui-loading{...