全球生物医药行业起伏未定之中,2024年第一则biotech合并消息传出: 荷兰生物制药公司Oxitope Pharma(以下简称:Oxitope)和挪威生物制药公司ArxxTherapeutics(以下简称:Arxx)宣布合并成立Calluna Pharma(以下简称:Calluna),并在A轮融资中得到Oxitope和Arxx现有主要投资者 Forbion、Sarsia Seed Management、P53和Investinor...
Gilead Sciences, first founded in 1987, built a name for itself in the antiviral drug sector, creating pioneering treatments for complex diseases like hepatitis and HIV. Like many of the notable biotech companies excelling in 2024, Gilead benefits from a strong positioning strategy. Compared to som...
据FierceBiotech统计,截至目前,今年裁员的生物技术公司已达188家,而2023年裁员公司为187家,2022年仅119家,生物医药行业仍然面临艰巨挑战,众多biotech公司寻求“上岸”机会。 而制药巨头在经历了2023年的多个巨额并购后,今年更偏向于小额BD,查漏补缺,补齐自身管线或探索新兴赛道。 据药智网统计,2024年制药行业10亿美元...
This statistic shows the ranking of the global top 10 biotech and pharmaceutical companies worldwide, based on revenue.
UiPath,Salesforce,ServiceNow,Cognizant,DocuSign, andSAPare some of the top companies that have contributed to workplace and business automation. I believe this dominance will continue in 2024. Trend 6: Web 3.0 and the Metaverse In 2024, Web 3.0 will gain further traction, opening avenues for ...
2024-03-25,Nuvation Bio以全股份交易方式收购葆元医药,囊获其ROS1抑制剂、IDH1抑制剂。 并购在全球制药行业中是非常常见的交易形式,它能够推动企业的快速扩张、优化资源配置。随着多个重磅药品专利即将到期,这两年大药企可能会有更多并购的需求,而小的Biotech公司则可能选择“卖身”来...
view the full profile of DXC Technology] Ashburn, Virginia 1000 & Up Inquire Inquire VISIT WEBSITEVIEW PORTFOLIO Veraqor 4.8(5 reviews) Technology Consulting and Managed IT Services A passionate team driven by technology in Biotech, Cloud, Data & AI. From design to development and support to...
WWD Beauty Inc's annual ranking of the world's largest beauty companies by sales.By Alex Wynne, Jenny B. Fine, Faye Brookman, Emily Burns, Kathryn Hopkins, Noor Lobad, James Manso, Ryma Chikhoune, Samantha Conti, Denni Hu, Sandra Salibian, Mayu Saini Plus Icon April 12, 2024, ...
2024-03-25,Nuvation Bio以全股份交易方式收购葆元医药,囊获其ROS1抑制剂、IDH1抑制剂。 并购在全球制药行业中是非常常见的交易形式,它能够推动企业的快速扩张、优化资源配置。随着多个重磅药品专利即将到期,这两年大药企可能会有更多并购的需求,而小的Biotech公司则可能选择“卖身”来实现资金退出和战略转型,全球制药行...
Check out this list of the top Biotech companies in San Diego, CA. See company benefits, info, interviews and more at Built In.