Personally, I was still listening to my Sex Pistols and Talking Heads records, but I was curious about this new stuff, despite much of it feeling like a pale imitation. It was very important to evangelicals that the “message” of the music was positive. I remember hearing a lot of Chri...
Although the 10mm Auto is a rimless cartridge and therefore typically chambered for semi-auto pistols, it has made its way into a few revolvers. TheSmith & Wesson 610follows the same design as the classic double-action N-Frames, but accepts the moon clips to run the 10mm Auto. The larger...
Ghostpistols aka GhostPilots has been nothing short of amazing! I, as a client, obviously don’t know what I want, and I admittedly misbriefed the guys, but without hesitation or resentment, they were there to support my decision and work through it. Ghostpistols remained extremely ...
The Stealth Handgun Hanger Safe is a solid option if you want quick-access storage for multiple handguns at the ready. A “hanger safe” is designed to store your pistols in an upright position for you to quickly (and quietly) pull out in an emergency situation. This cna be a great opt...
I would never carry this, a .22 cal of any type, or a derringer type of pistol. If that’s your idea of personal protection to conceal, you need to reexamine your understanding of what guns do, the differences between calibers, and appropriate weapons to conceal. richard brewer December ...
t going to end well. Peters based his play on literary and theatrical dramatizations of the proposition that long-suppressed histories of seismic social eruptions create non-linear cultural connections across all borders — so here the Stooges and Pistols provide the soundtrack as the big man in...
Ghostpistols aka GhostPilots has been nothing short of amazing! I, as a client, obviously don’t know what I want, and I admittedly misbriefed the guys, but without hesitation or resentment, they were there to support my decision and work through it. Ghostpistols remained extremely ...
but I would never base my politics on this issue. I am a fairly liberal person, but I am behind gun ownership completely. I remember going to the outdoor shooting range with my two revolvers, and firing next to a person with a .50 cal. rifle, and the volume and concussion each time...
5. Most revolvers have no shooter-operated safety mechanisms; most pistols do. 6. Safing the weapon 7. Clearing jams 8. Clearing “duds” 9. Mags are a b*tch 10. Universality of operation – All revolvers pretty much look and work alike, especially the “go boom” part (hammer and ...