Leading 10 prescription drugs based on U.S. sales in 2023(in billion U.S. dollars) Records: You need aStatista Accountfor unlimited access Immediate access to 1m+ statistics Incl. source references Download as PNG, PDF, XLS, PPT Get full access ...
Leading drugs worldwide based on projected 2024 sales (in billion U.S. dollars) Drug name (company name)Projected sales in billion U.S. dollars27. (Merck & Co.)Ozempic (Novo Nordisk)Dupixent (Sanofi)Eliquis (BMS/Pfizer)...
2022年度,全球药品销售冠军仍归属于疫情流行下的mRNA疫苗(不过2023年开始就不是了)。紧随其后的是药王修美乐与K药(PD-1)。 2022年全球药物销售排行榜(结构式版本)图片数据,来自Top 200 Brand Name Drugs by Retail Sales in 2022,版权归属 Njardarson Group (The University of Arizona)与DrugTopics & Pharmacom...
2022年度,全球药品销售冠军仍归属于疫情流行下的mRNA疫苗(不过2023年开始就不是了)。紧随其后的是药王修美乐与K药(PD-1)。 2022年全球药物销售排行榜(结构式版本)图片数据,来自Top 200 Brand Name Drugs by Retail Sales in 2022,版权归属 Njardarson Group (The University of Arizona)与DrugTopics & Pharmacom...
MEDICAREThe article focuses on critiquing a recent study that assessed the added therapeutic benefit of top-selling brand-name drugs in Medicare, arguing that the analysis imported value judgments from other countries and failed to evaluate the therapeutic value to U.S. beneficiaries...
Brands with a score of 85 or higher received a Gold award. Brands that were statistically tied with the winner but had a score lower than 85 received a Silver award. Tags: health, medicine, women's health, men's health, products, drugs, generic drugs, over the counter drugs, NSAIDs...
19 The subsequent enacted legislation imposed several additional restrictions on the quantity and types of drugs that would be subject to negotiation. The Inflation Reduction Act limits Medicare to negotiating up to 20 drugs per year; eligible drugs must have annual Medicare spending exceeding $200 ...
However, with reduced attention on COVID-19, sales of Comirnaty have sharply declined. In 2023, Pfizer announced a 500% price increase for the Comirnaty; however, the price hike has proven insufficient to address the downturn in product sales. On October 13th, Pfizer announced plans to cut...
目前已有多家托吡酯仿制药在美获批上市,如PAR PHARM以及ACTAVIS LABS FL等企业。此前Zydus就和Supernus签署了一项和解协议,允许其仿制药在2023年元旦进入市场,但Zydus的托吡酯首仿药获批不久后便处于撤市状态。 参考资料 [1]https://www.fiercepharma.com/special-reports/top-10-drugs-losing-us-exclusivity-2023...
目前已有多家托吡酯仿制药在美获批上市,如PAR PHARM以及ACTAVIS LABS FL等企业。此前Zydus就和Supernus签署了一项和解协议,允许其仿制药在2023年元旦进入市场,但Zydus的托吡酯首仿药获批不久后便处于撤市状态。 参考资料 [1]https://www.fiercepharma.com/special-reports/top-10-drugs-losing-us-exclusivity-2023...