Malaysia’s oldest university, Universiti Malaya was established in 1949, based on a merger of several existing colleges in neighbouring Singapore. It offers courses across the full subject spectrum, with an enrolment of more than 14,580 undergraduate students and more than 13,700 postgraduates....
第62位:加州大学圣地亚哥分校University of California, San Diego)-美国 第63位:华盛顿大学University of Washington)-美国 第64位:伊利诺伊大学香槟分校University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)-美国 第65位:马来亚大学University of Malaya)-马来西亚 第65位:香港理工大学The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)-中...
University of Science, Malaysia Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) is a public research university in Malaysia. The university inaugurated in 1969 as a statutory body with its own constitution. It is one of the oldest institutes of higher learning in Northern Malaysia. The university has three campuse...
Existing branch campuses include those operated by the UK’s University of Nottingham and Australia’s Monash University. Malaysia’s investment in branch campuses has resulted in the new EduCity development in Johor, at the southernmost tip of Peninsular Malaysia, just 5km north of Singapore. ...
第19# University of Wisconsin Madison 第20# Tsinghua University / 清华大学 第21# Duke University杜克大学 第22# Northwestern University西北大学 第23# Peking University / 北京大学 第24# New York University纽约大学 第25# University of British Columbia不列颠哥伦比亚大学 ...
154 圣路易斯华盛顿大学 Washington University in St. Louis 美国 158 马来西亚博特拉大学 Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) 马来西亚 159 根特大学 Ghent University 比利时 159 智利大学 Universidad de Chile 智利 159 马来西亚国民大学 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) 马来西亚 162 卧龙岗大学 University of...
1麻省理工学院Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)美国2牛津大学University of Oxford英国3斯坦福大学Stanford University...
10、诺丁汉大学马来西亚分校The University of Nottingham in Malaysia 私立院校:1、城市理工大学City ...