作为老牌恐怖游戏的开发者的Igor Migun,在恐怖氛围打造和谜题设置上很是老练,它的《宣告者》Reporter系列以及Dark Forest等作品都还不错,风格很相近 4、深渊之下(Under:depths of fear) 苹果/安卓 指数:7 这是一款第一人称视角的恐怖游戏。玩家将随一位在第一次世界大战中负伤的英国老兵,进入到一艘正在缓慢下沉的...
This taught me that staying organized and calm is key to thriving under pressure." 【中文样本答案】 “我认为适度的压力可以提升工作表现,因为它促使我们优先处理任务并保持专注。当我处于高压环境时,我会将任务分解为更小的可管理步骤,并设定小目标来确保进展顺利。例如,在我之前的工作中,我们遇到了一个时间...
Los Angeles, California Under 49 $149/hr $25,000 - $50,000 VISIT WEBSITEVIEW PORTFOLIO Azumo 4.9(20 reviews) Build Intelligent Apps for Web, Mobile, Data, AI and Cloud Azumo helps businesses build intelligent apps by providing nearshore, top-tier developers skilled in AI, data engineering...
19.《赛马娘》 (Cygames) :3.494亿美元 20.《梦幻水族箱》(Playrix):3.44亿美元 外媒Mobilegamer.biz指出,自从2016年发布以来,Niantic旗下产品《精灵宝可梦Go》首次掉出全球手游收入榜前十。不过,Niantic与卡普空合作的新游戏《怪物猎人Now》市场表现抢眼,去年9月发布至今累计内购收入已经超过8500万美元。如果它可以延...
14. Chunder这个是英国俚语里最不可或缺的表达,不仅表示喝醉呕吐,生病呕吐也可以用。例如:‘I ate a bad pizza last night after too many drinks and chundered in the street.’ 15. Take the piss 现在许多英国人很喜欢吐槽,这个俚语就是嘲笑,吐槽的意思啦。例如:‘The guys on TV last night were ta...
20. Crunchyroll 5-Year Search Growth:223% Global Search Volume:9,400,000 Year Founded:2008 Location:San Francisco, CA Users:120M+ Summary:While people who aren’t fans might not know it, anime is one of the largest entertainment sub-niches on the planet. In 2020, it wasestimatedto be ...
Tuition and fees for 2024-2025: $9,076 (in-state), $20,122 (out-of-state) (Data from the school's website) Six-year graduation rate for students entering in fall 2017: 35% Originally founded as the Delaware Conference Academy in 1886 under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal Churc...
Journal of Hematology&Oncology近几年影响因子分数几乎保持着直线上升,2016年6.263分,2017年6.35分,2018年7.333分,2019年8.731分,2020年11.058分,2021年17.388分,2022年最新影响因子,首次突破20分,高达23.168分,相较于上一年影响因子涨幅超33%。 数据来源:web of science ...
Ever Glory is a container ship constructed in 2019 for Taiwanese company Evergreen Marine and is currently sailing under the Liberian Flag. It has a gross tonnage of 219,775 tonnes and a deadweight of 198937 tonnes. It has a carrying capacity of 20,160 TEUs and is an Evergreen G Class ...