Why INFJs Love It:The Dark Knight is one of the darkest superhero films around. It goes deeper into the emotional chaos of heroes and villains and offers a richer dimension to the characters than you’ll find in most other superhero movies. It’s surprisingly thought-provoking and deep, and...
“20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” (1954) “Walkabout” (1971) “West Side Story” (1961) “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” (1988) “The Winslow Boy” (1999) “The Wizard of Oz” (1939) “Yellow Submarine” (1968) I have to wonder if a nine-year-old is going to enjoy a black-and-whi...
Submarine movies always make me feel claustrophobic, but that’s also what makes them such great thrillers.Crimson Tidetakes place in a sub that receives orders to launch missiles at a Russian target. Before they do, a second transmission starts to come in but the radio is damaged before the...
Navy in 1949, Carpenter became a naval aviator, flying a Lockheed P-2 Neptune with Patrol Squadron 6 (VP-6) on reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare missions along the coasts of Russia and China during the Korean War and the Cold War. In 1954, he attended the U.S. Naval Test Pilot...
11. Yellow Submarine (1968) 12. The Fearless Vampire Killers: Or, Pardon Me But Your Teeth Are In My Neck (1967) 13. The Odd Couple (1968) 14. Joan At the Stake (1954) 15. La Chinoise (1967) 16. Sweet Charity (1969) 17. Stolen Kisses (1968) 18. Joanna (1968) 19. The Heart...
Read More:Best Movies of 1995 12. Das Boot (1981) A definitive portrait on the submarine combat during theSecond World War(let alone any period of warfare),‘Das Boot’s sound design and claustrophobic corridors lay an atmosphere so thick that you barely notice all of the time it takes up...
2. Ao no 6-Gou (Blue Submarine No. 6) Buy now Episodes: 4 Aired: October 25, 1998 to March 25, 2000 Humanity is under threat from a mad scientist who believes its time as the dominant species on earth is up. In order to eliminate humans, he genetically engineers ocean dwelling creat...
Spielberg gets another win by suckering me into a cinematic world that he magically can create. This time with perplexities and perhaps even some influence from the Matrix (1999) movies. Oscar Nominations:Best Sound Editing 2002 FilmsActionCameron CroweCameron DiazColin FarrellCrime ThrillerFrank Grill...
Ed Harris and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio portray Bud and Dr. Lindsey Brigman formerly married petroleum engineers who still have some issues to work out. When an American submarine sinks in the Caribbean, a US search and recovery team works with an oil platform crew, racing against Soviet vesse...
Yellow Submarine peaked at No.3 and it charted for 10 weeks. Abbey Road peaked at No. 1 and it charted for 81 weeks. Let It Be peaked at No.1 and it charted for 59 weeks. Their latest studio release, as of 1970, was Let It Be and it sold 11.7 million copies in the United Sta...