三、新南威尔士州(NSW) 新南威尔士州十大公立学校: 1、James Ruse Agricultural High School (Carlingford)2、North Sydney Boys High School (Crows Nest)3、Sydney Girls High School (Surry Hills)4、Baulkham Hills High School5、North Sydney Girls High School (Crows Nest)6、Sydney Boys High Schools (Mo...
1、在NSW,孩子7月31日满五岁,当年就可以去公立小学(Public School)上Kindergarten(小学预备班)。错过这个日子,晚点上也没问题,不过根据州政府的法律,所有的孩子满六岁生日必须上学。 2、去Public School Enrollment,是根据你居住的区来定的,一个租房合同或者自住房产的证明文件报名的时候是一定要带的。邻近的区的...
新南威尔士州十大公立学校: 1、James Ruse Agricultural High School (Carlingford) 2、North Sydney Boys High School (Crows Nest) 3、Sydney Girls High School (Surry Hills) 4、Baulkham Hills High School 5、North Sydney Girls High School (Crows Nest) 6、Sydney Boys High Schools (Moore Park) 7、Ho...
学校网站:https://carlingfor-h.schools.nsw.gov.au/ 学校地址:North Rocks Road, Carlingford, NSW 2118 学校简介 卡林福特中学是一所男女混合的综合性公立中学,位于悉尼西北部,距离悉尼市中心30分钟的车程。学校景色迷人,气候适宜,学术成就优异,尤其在音乐上享有很好的声誉,校内建有音乐、舞蹈艺术中心、运动场所等。
www.gordonwest-p.schools.nsw.edu.au 区域介绍 Pymble距离CBD为14公里,面积为7平方千米。2006年,区域内人口为9,777,2011年为10,585,增幅8% 。 区域内的自住房比例高达 82.1% ,居住者多为典型的带小孩的年轻家庭,人均年收入集中在13万到18万之间,每月的还贷金额约为$4000。
www.eppingwest-p.schools.nsw.edu.au 区域介绍 Epping位于悉尼西北部,距离市中心约为15公里,总面积为7平方千米,区域内共有19个公园。 2006 年时,人口为19,369,到2011年,上涨到20,224人。区域内的人均年收入多为7.8万到18万澳元之间。 在Epping居住的人主要带小孩的夫妻,约占一半。该区域平均每月需要支付的...
*Ranking only includes schools that had at least 30 students sit the HSC in 2018 数据来源: NSW Education Standards Authority 公立精英中学前十名(中产必读) 全州公立普通中学前十名(买学区房的看过来) 独立学校(狭义的私立学校)前十名 (有钱人看这里) ...
Top 100 Best Prestigious Private (Boarding) Schools Australia Denmark France Germany Switzerland United Kingdom (53) U. S. A. (46) News, Reviews & Resources (29) Colleges Finishing Schools Universities 400+ PRIVATE SCHOOLS, also known as independent schools or nonstate schools, are not adminis...
*Ranking only includes schools that had at least 30 students sit the HSC in 2018 Source: NSW Education Standards Authority 排名前十的学校中有八所是公立精英中学, North Sydney Boys' High School上升一位,名列第二,Sydney Girls' High School继续保持第四名的位置,而Baulkham Hills High School下滑三位...
and La Trobe University. These universities have qualifications at par with the standards of the finest college and university programs offered anywhere else in the world and will give the student every chance to have a better career in the future. These schools offer Computer Engineering courses ...