[1] Top 20 global biopharmaceutical companies report 1.6% market capitalization growth to $3.67 trillion in 2023, reveals GlobalData. Retrieved February 21, 2024 from https://www.globaldata.com/media/business-fundamentals/top-20-global-biopharm...
浙江大学医学部TOP期刊目录 浙江大学医学部 医学部发[2011]02号 关于印发《浙江大学医学部TOP期刊》的 通 知 各院系、各办,各附属医院:根据学部学术委员会的讨论和投票结果, 2011版TOP期刊已制定完毕,现予发布。目前选定270种期刊作为学部2011版TOP期刊。其中,有216种影响因子≥5.0的非综述性学术杂志作为...
The top ten research priorities for rare mitochondrial diseases: results of a patient/health professional priority setting partnershipMEDICAL personnelMITOCHONDRIAL pathologyRESEARCH questionsENGLISH languageSYMPTOMSVISION disordersPurpose The primary mitochondrial disorders encompass a wide‐reaching number of ...
In my opinion, and I’ve been studying this issue for over 20 years, is that you need to build up the immune system and take multi-enzymes. This will melt and destroy the coating on the cancer cells and allow the immune system to recognize them as foreign and be able to attack and ...
In rare cases, we may see low T4 levels and high T3. This can happen when T3 is overdosed and T4 is underdosed for the individual persons’ needs. It is typically seen in pregnancy, when someone has an increased requirement for T4 and may benefit from adding extra T4 for the baby’s...
临床试验显示该疗法能显著提升患者体内的凝血因子IX水平、减少凝血因子IX的预防性治疗,并减少54%的年出血率。Hemgenix曾被美国FDA授予突破性疗法认定、孤儿药资格以及优先审评资格。这款疗法在去年荣获有“医药界诺贝尔奖”之称的最佳孤儿药/罕见病产品(Best Product for Rare/Orphan Diseases)。
Get the WebMD list of the top vaccine-preventable diseases, including COVID-19, measles, whooping cough, flu, polio, pneumococcal disease, meningococcal disease, mumps, Hib, tetanus, and hepatitis B.
Orphan drugs, by definition, are intended for the treatment, prevention, or diagnosis of a rare disease (RD) or condition [1]. For the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “supporting the development and evaluation of new treatments for rare diseases is a key priority” [2]. According to...
Examples of slow virus diseases include subacute sclerosing panencephalitis which is the rare result of a measles virus infection, as well as Paget's Disease of Bone (Osteitis Deformans) which seems to be associated with paramyxoviruses, especially the m
Sanofi is a French pharmaceutical company that specializes in atopic allergic disorders, oncology and rare diseases. Its leading drugs include Lantus for treating diabetes and Dupixent for treating atopic dermatitis, asthma and chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. In July 2023, Sanofi expanded an ...