Oldest Addresses (by first transaction) The bitcoingamer.com site is no longer operational and OpenGameArt.org “does not accept BitCoins at this time“. Interesting that they both have the same wallet ID 00013e8c1218989a and first transactions within weeks of each other. Most Transactions This...
Lobith LOBPTN Bovenrijn(Upper Rhine) WFD River Rhine enters The NetherlandsVery well studied site Kralingseveer KRALSVR WWTP E-PRTR Urban WWTP10% industrial wastewater in influent Amersfoort AMFT WWTP E-PRTR Urban WWTP25% industrial wastewater in influent 2.2. Passive sampling Silicone rubber sheets...
(2018) Jakarta, Indonesia 1733 taxpayers Corporate Taxpayers Performance expectations, system quality, and user satisfaction Kumar and Sachan (2017) India 294 taxpayers Citizens Adoption of E-filing Compatibility; image; result demonstrability; ease-of-use; perceived usefulness; trust of the Internet;...