A directory which hand-selects and aggregates the best information and resources for the diseases and conditions related to infectious disease
JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES是一本十分不错的期刊,影响因子6.4比较稳定,发文量500+,自引率低,国人发文潜力大,传统订阅模式不要版面费,有需要的朋友可以准备了!
Top 15 infectious diseases--United States, 1995Lists the top 15 infectious diseases in the United States for the year 1995. Number of reported cases.Patient Care
2020年,Infectious Diseases of Poverty在全球新冠肺炎疫情大流行中乘风破浪,砥砺前行,取得了一些成绩。在《2020年中国科学院文献情报中心期刊分区表》中位列全球医学大类一区期刊(TOP 5%),入选Top期刊。 中科院分区 在《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》电子杂志...
最新JCR分区: INFECTIOUS DISEASES - SCIE(Q2); MICROBIOLOGY - SCIE(Q2); PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY - SCIE(Q1) 所在地: 英国 自引率: 4% 年发文量: 483.5 OA情况: 非OA 投稿难度: 15% 投稿周期: 平均1.5月 2. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2023影响因子(IF值): 3.9 中科院大类: 医学3区 中科院小类...
What it is:An infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. How you get it:COVID-19 spreads when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. Droplets and particles fly out, and other people can breathe them in. The disease can also spread when those droplets land on a surface,...
一年又一年,一区又一区。2021年下半年,在主管、主办单位和专家学者的大力支持下,Infectious Diseases of Poverty(IDP)期刊的学术质量和影响力进一步提升。 1 2021年回顾 在《2021年中国科学院文献情报中心期刊分区表》的医学大类、寄生虫学和热带医学...
Journal of Infectious Diseases近9年自引率均控制在5%以内,2023年自引率为2%,目前自引率非常低,目前暂时不用担心自引率方面的问题。 引用Journal of Infectious Diseases次数排名前20的期刊如下图,被引用最多的期刊是VIRUSES-BASEL(IF:3.8)。 引用Journal of Infectious Diseases次数排名前20的期刊如下图,引用最多...
Infectious Disease Rheumatology Vascular Surgery Find a Doctor WebMD AMA Medicare Medicaid and CHIP Medline Plus List of Directories with Specialties Google Maps -- (doctor or specialty + city and state, or zip code) Health Grades ZocDoc United Healthcare Aetna Blue Cross / Blue Shield Cigna ...
Of the top 20 causes of death, only four are infectious: COVID-19, lower respiratory infections, tuberculosis, and diarrhoeal diseases. The latter two are much less common in high-income countries. The same is true for preterm birth complications, which are the leading cause of preventable chi...