1984 was a triumphant year for heavy metal and hard rock, as many of the genre's most important stars took big steps forward or even released career-defining albums. After years of steady growth, artists such asSammy Hagar,Scorpionsand Twisted Sisterexploded into the mainstream with albums prop...
Top 20 Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Albums of 1995 Gallery Credit: Matthew Wilkening 20. Warrant, Ultraphobic CMC International 20. Warrant, 'Ultraphobic' Warrant were among the hair metal bands unfairly cast aside when the grunge wave came along. Some would say they tried a bit too hard to ...
From a completely different direction,Metallica's masterful second thrash metal album,Ride the Lightning, served early notice that new kings of metal were marching furiously towards the throne. See our list of 1984's Top 20 Heavy Metal and Hard Rock Albums below. Top 20 1984 Heavy Metal and ...
From a completely different direction,Metallica's masterful second thrash metal album,Ride the Lightning, served early notice that new kings of metal were marching furiously towards the throne. See our list of 1984's Top 20 Heavy Metal and Hard Rock Albums below. Top 20 1984 Heavy Metal and ...
From a completely different direction,Metallica's masterful second thrash metal album,Ride the Lightning, served early notice that new kings of metal were marching furiously towards the throne. See our list of 1984's Top 20 Heavy Metal and Hard Rock Albums below. ...
Great for lead and rhythm from 80s rock to the most extreme metal bandsaeron_chrom Show more The tube screamers are, I think, a foundational building block of getting a good blues tone out of your rig. Obviously, your guitar and amp will have a big impact on your sound, but this ...
The nascent thrash metal subgenre also captured the public's attention in 1983, with groundbreaking debut albums released byMetallicaandSlayer. Both bands also expressed their love of Mercyful Fate, the Danish occult metallurgists who took the metal world by storm with their debut albumMelissa, also...
The nascent thrash metal subgenre also captured the public's attention in 1983, with groundbreaking debut albums released byMetallicaandSlayer. Both bands also expressed their love of Mercyful Fate, the Danish occult metallurgists who took the metal world by storm with their debut albumMelissa, also...
The nascent thrash metal subgenre also captured the public's attention in 1983, with groundbreaking debut albums released byMetallicaandSlayer. Both bands also expressed their love of Mercyful Fate, the Danish occult metallurgists who took the metal world by storm with their debut albumMelissa, also...
Within a few years, the entire scene would get a facelift, and several of the bands on this list would be relegated to the dustbin of history. But for a brief moment in time, they were able to coexist. As a result, our list of the Top 20 Hard Rock and Metal Albums of 1989 has ...