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Stanford is the best for psychology in America. Yale University Since 1701 it has been known as a research university located in Connecticut. It has got twelve colleges that have their libraries, gyms, and dorms. If your area of interest are Biological and Biomedical Sciences, and History ...
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20 University of Notre Dame 21 University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 22 Georgetown University 22 University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill 24 Carnegie Mellon University 24 Emory University 24 University of Virginia 24 Washington University in St. Louis ...
Explore the 2025 Top Public Universities ranking based on statistics and student reviews. Compare the 100 best public colleges.
2023全美最难进大学TOP10!录取率低到怀疑人生……2023Fall申请季基本接近尾声,不知道今年大家申请战况如何?近日有“美国高校排名版的大众点评”之称的Niche官网更新了“2023 Hardest Colleges to get into in America(2023美国最难申请大学)”排名。包含众多大家耳熟能详的综合性大学和文理学院。希望对即将进行新...
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20. University of Notre Dame 21. University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 22. Georgetown University 22. University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill 24. Carnegie Mellon University 24. Emory University 24. University of Virginia 24. Washington University in St. Louis ...
The University of Texas—Austin is one of the largest schools in the nation. It’s divided into 13 schools and colleges, the biggest of which is the College of Liberal Arts. It also has highly ranked graduate programs, including the McCombs School of Business, Cockrell School of Engineering...