Anime Corner评选出的2023动画TOP10 🎉 1 文豪野犬5 2巨人最终季 3千年血战篇2 4葬送的芙莉莲 5冰海战记2 6我心中危险的事情 7咒术回战第2季 8 影之实力者2 9我推的孩子 10 地狱乐 #少年jump吧#
外网anime corner(AC)最新榜单 89.5万 1972 13:14 App 4月最神新番竟然是她!?开局9.9分彻底杀死比赛?!【4月新番吐槽】 2.8万 393 3:02 App Bangumi四月新番开播评分排行,这下又是史上最强了? 9372 19 1:44 App 2023年四月新番人气榜 (第十周 6.10-6.16) 2.5万 285 2:46 App 疯房子作品中全球评分...
These anime can inspire us to stay positive even during difficult times. These anime have excellent storylines and top-tier animation which will give you a comfortable and relaxing experience. This guide provides a list oftop 20 slice of life anime that you can watch in 2023. 1. The Cafe T...
r/anime 2023年第10周动画作品排行榜TOP 15: 🥇.巨人最终季Part.3 🥈.冰海战记 第二季🥉.他英第六季 4.小智是女孩啦! 5.在地下城寻求邂逅是否搞错了什么 第四季 6.尼尔:机械纪元 7.转生王女与天才千金的魔法革...
Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from 🍥 Top 250 Anime 2023
Discover the most popular anime characters of 2023! Explore our top 15 picks and immerse yourself in the captivating world of anime.
Anime Trending 2023年度动画全部奖项揭晓年度动画:大魔境第二名:我推的孩子第三名:冰海战记 第2季第四名:我心里危险的东西第五名:咒术回战 第2季年度最佳男角色:挑染哥 (水星的魔女)年度最佳女角色:有马加奈 (我推的孩子)年度最佳男配:挑染哥 (水星的魔女)年度最佳女配:有马加奈 (我推的孩子)年度最佳...
This article is an update to our previous Top 10 Sexy Ecchi Harem Anime list back in 2015, but you can also consider as an extension to that article like a Top 20. Now you might be thinking: “Isn’t sexy and ecchi have practically the same meaning?” Both are not the same because...
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What sets apart the Shoujo of 2023 is the exploration of deeper themes likebody positivity,acceptance,andhope. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the treasure trove of the top 17 Shoujo anime of 2023 that will sweep you off your feet with their breathtaking storytelling. ...