Steam好评率TOP100游戏,个个都是牛的存在01 第二期——还不知道玩什么?Steam好评率TOP100游戏,个个都是牛的存在02 好,喜欢记得关注,这里是晓青,咱们话也不多说了,直接开整。 第60名——《异星工厂》 好评数:180,670 差评数:6,110 评价总数:186,780 好评率:95.52% 咩有自制力的朋友,还请对自己好一点。
游戏类型:动作, 冒险, 独立, RPG 《火炬之光》系列是《暗黑破坏神》元老组建了Runic Games工作室所开发的精神续作。 当年《火炬之光2》发售时,正好赶上《暗黑破坏神3》发售,结果《火炬之光2》与《暗黑破坏神3》打得五五开,但是游戏媒体与玩家群体的口碑一致偏向《火炬之光2》。 五年之后,工作室出了中文。随后...
第 50 名——《与狼同行》好评数:32,715差评数:733评价总数:33,448好评率:95.73%一部优秀的漫改作品。就像老婆饼里没有老婆一样,童话镇里也没有童话。前面提到的《行尸走肉》开发商 T 社(Telltale Games)的又一部经典的作品。如果你喜欢《Fables》的漫画,能接受美漫画风,这个游戏你不容错过。第 ...
From new releases to old faves, and AAA titles to indies, here are the top 100 most-played games (in order by highest daily active player count) between March of 2023 and March of 2024, regardless of verified status. Learn more about Steam Deck (and our new OLED version!)here....
Input DATASETS top-100-steam-games-july-2024 Language Python License This Notebook has been released under the Apache 2.0 open source license. Continue exploring Input1 file arrow_right_alt Output0 files arrow_right_alt Logs30.4 second run - successful arrow_right_alt Comments0 comments arrow_rig...
Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from Steam top 100 games(NOV 2021)
PC Gamer's annual list of the best PC games you can play is back, and has had a major update for 2024.
Windows Mac Linux Steam Deck Owned games Show Hide OK Cancel Reset Trailers Movement, rank, title, date, platforms, tag and price Score ~ 1. ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist 28 days ago Metroidvania $24.99 ▼ 8.06 96% 10,276 votes ~ 2. Door Kickers 2: Task Force North 9 days ago...
PC Gamer's annual list of the best PC games you can play is back, and has had a major update for 2024.
35.《文明4》(Firaxis Games 2005) 作为最知名的策略战棋游戏肯定少不了《文明》系列。《Sid Meier’s Civilization IV》 36.《合金装备5:幻痛》(科乐美 2015) 合金装备系列最后一部作品,遗憾的是没获得过什么大奖,属于陪跑的。《Metal Gear Solid》