Apple Music Top 100 songs in United States. The most downloaded songs around the world, updated every day.
Christian & Gospel Singles Chart in United States - Daily Top 10 Gospel Singles Charts & Apple Music Top 100.
This data set is the top 100 songs (with lyrics) for every single year from 1959 to 2023 in the United States. The top 100 songs of the year was web scrapped from and the lyrics were pulled from the Genius API. The all_songs_data_processed.csv file is...
songs on Hotline Miami's soundtrack remain in my regular rotation. Night jogs, night walks, night drives, night train rides, night workouts, sitting on the couch and looking at your phone (at night)—whatever you're doing at night, you can trust Hydrogen or Paris to make it feel like...
Songs in the film were by Jerome Kern. The film is based on a 1914 novel, Love Insurance by Earl Derr Biggers, the creator of Charlie Chan. Filmed as silent in 1919 as Love Insurance by Paramount with Bryant Washburn and Lois Wilson. and in 1925 by Universal as The Reckless Age. ...
Songs in the film were by Jerome Kern. The film is based on a 1914 novel, Love Insurance by Earl Derr Biggers, the creator of Charlie Chan. Filmed as silent in 1919 as Love Insurance by Paramount with Bryant Washburn and Lois Wilson. and in 1925 by Universal as The Reckless Age. ...
The 100 most popular holiday Christmas songs on iTunes. Chart of the top holiday and Christmas songs 2025 is updated daily.
The Alhambra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the inspiration for many songs and stories. Source: Deposit Photos 4. France Total number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites: 53 Natural: 7, Cultural: 44, Mixed: 2 Chartres Cathedral (cultural) Mont-Saint-Michel and its Bay (cultural) Palace ...
Scotty McCreery, "Cab In a Solo" The 40 Most-Played Country Songs of the Last 50 Years Country music has come a long way in the last 50 years. Its popularity has continued to trend upward in the mainstream, and it doesn't look like it will be stopping anytime soon — it's more...
Below are the Nolan Method Top 100 Songs of the 1970s. Depending on the decade, these charts are based on the best-selling and most popular songs played on Top 40 radio stations in the United States. The chart is compiled based on airplay data submitted to Billboard by radio stations ...