学校位于英格兰东南肯特郡七橡树镇,距伦敦市中心和盖特威克国际机场都比较近,交通便利。校园面积 100 英亩,环境优美,校园设施齐全。 七橡树中学的考试成绩历来也都是全英最优秀的私校之一。 在2023年的IB成绩中,七橡树中学的均分为39分,...
以下为2023年全球最佳IB学校TOP100排名: A-level是英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰16岁-19岁学生在sixth form (year 12和year 13) 需要学习的两年课程。 虽然英国普遍采用A-level课程体系,但开设IB课程的私校也非常多! 以下为2023年全球TOP100的IB学校中,英国学校TOP10如下:...
学校在Six Form阶段提供 IB、A Level 和BTEC等课程,是英国IB课程排名领先的学校之一。 Whitgift School是2023已公布成绩的英国寄宿学校中,IB成绩最高的男校,平均分达到38.6分! Bromsgrove School Bromsgrove学校创立于1553年,是一所在全英享有声誉的...
在2024斯皮尔斯学校指数(Spear’s Schools Index)全英最佳私校TOP25私校中,排名第一的是英国安妮公主的母校——Benenden School,王诗龄读的也是这所英国女校。伊顿、哈罗勉强进入全英前10,排名不如另一所英国顶级公学——Brighton College高。名不见经传的Fettes College排名比哈罗、圣保罗公学、西敏、温切斯特公学高。圣...
Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL) has a state-of-the-art campus on 135 acres of parkland in Egham, Surrey, 19 miles from central London. With six schools and 21 academic departments, it accommodates about 11,000 students from 100 countries. Recognised among the 30 "most highly ...
四城联动,共展未来,2023 BE Top Schools圆满收官! 伴着凉爽的秋风,当我们再次回到BE Top Schools英国菁英私校招生峰会,从北京、上海、杭州到深圳,空前的规模与热络的现场还是一如既往。 2015年,我们和广大家长在BE Top Schools初识,如今,我们再次相聚,带着更加成熟的教育理念,更加丰富的教育资源,以及更加专业的教育...
Public colleges and universities typically operate under the supervision of state governments and are funded, in part, by tax dollars and subsidies from the state. As a result, these universities often offer discounted tuition to residents of their states. Public schools run the gamut from small ...
UCL was the first university in England to admit students regardless of gender and religion. With eleven faculties and over 100 departments, this university delivers high-quality teaching and research. The tuition fees for undergraduate programs range from£21,570 to £38,535per year, with vari...
Explore the results of the World Reputation Rankings 2023 in full Editor’s note:As part of ourTHEstatement on Ukrainepublished on 2 March 2022, Russian universities have been given less prominence in our rankings. Russian universities that met the criteria for this ranking are not displayed in ...
Dreaming of studying at one of the top two Ivy League schools? Use this comparison to decide whether Harvard or Yale is your number one.