·牙医学院(Dental Institute) ·法学院(The Dickson Poon School of Law) ·社会科学学院(Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy) ·国王商学院(King's Business School) 基本入学要求 本科 申请伦敦大学国王学院本科一般需要内地学生完...
Here’s a complete rundown of the world’s top 100 universities. Rank University Location 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge, United States 2 Imperial College London London, United Kingdom 3 University of Oxford Oxford, United Kingdom ...
There are more than 100 Universities in UK,. There is a cap (not for international students) on Tuition/Fees for public universities. "university colleges" is a institution which provides degree courses but does not have independent University status. University of London is the largest unive...
School of Humanities and Social Sciences -技术学院 School of Technology -理学院 School of Physical Sciences -临床医学院 School of Clinical Medicine -生物科学学院 School of Biological Sciences 剑桥大学有许多专业排名世界领先,其中工程技术、自然科学相关专业实力要强于牛津,拿下Top1的专业最多。 2 Universit...
Whitgift School是2023已公布成绩的英国寄宿学校中,IB成绩最高的男校,平均分达到38.6分! Bromsgrove School Bromsgrove学校创立于1553年,是一所在全英享有声誉的私立寄宿制男女混校。学校历史悠久,是英国校长会(HMC)最早的14所成员学校之一,排名常年位居全英前一百(前3%)。
The University of Southampton is a well-regarded institution located in Southampton, UK. It offers a wide range of programmes, including arts, engineering, humanities, law, medicine, and sciences. The school administration takes great lengths to ensure their students succeed, often collaborating with...
在Spear's世界Top100的私校榜中,英国上榜的Senior School(25所)和Prep School(15所)一共占比40%,剩余部分学校来自北美、亚太、中东、瑞士以及欧洲其他地区。 在The best senior schools in the UK(英国最佳中学)中,上榜的25所Top Flight级别的英国中学都是我们耳熟能详的菁英私校。
Westminster School 威斯敏斯特公学 Westminster School不愧是全英知名的学术型超强牛校,2024年该校的GCSE成绩排名全国第一,99% 的成绩为9-7。 2 King’s College School, Wimbledon 国王学院,温布尔顿 King’s College School, Wimbledon排名第二,98.3%的GCSE成绩为9-7。
Another student said: “During the ‘Intro Days’ of every academic school year, students are grouped with individuals from other countries and a buddy who is a second or third-year student. The buddy guides the student on topics important to adjusting to life in Maastricht. ...
4.Westminster School 最为九大公学之一,威敏公学是英国唯一一所有着千年历史并保留原校址的古老学校。本次考试中有超过90%的学生获得了A/A*的成绩。 这所历史最为悠久的贵族公学曾被校长号称是“全宇宙最好的学校”并培养出来7名英国首相,以及众多诺贝尔奖等。