U.S. News排名:80(tie), National Universities 北卡罗来纳州立大学是位于北卡罗来纳州罗利的公共土地研究型大学,成立于1887年,是北卡罗来纳大学系统的一部分,也是卡罗来纳州最大的大学,与杜克大学和UNC一起,是Research Triangle的一员。 如今,北卡罗来纳州立大学的招生人数已超过35,000,在工程,统计,农业,生命...
Discover the world's top universities. Explore the QS World University Rankings® 2023, based on 6 key ranking indicators.
Studying at one of these top universities in the US will ensure you graduate with a highly respected degree, which can open the door to global job opportunities. Enjoy a range of benefits, such as access to cutting-edge research, diverse academic programmes, and experienced faculty. ...
The Top 100 Universities in Research Spending Had More Industry Help in 2009By Jeffrey Brainard
U.S.News发布“2023 世界大学排名”(Best Global Universities Rankings)!本次排名涵盖2000所院校。 二、usnews世界大学排名亮点 本次榜单美国大学依旧霸榜,在TOP10大学中,美国高校占据8位;在TOP100大学中,美国高校占据41位,接近半数! 清华大学亚洲第一,排名相较去年上升3位,位列第23名!
牛津大学是英国研究型团体罗素大学集团(Russell Group of Universities), 欧洲的大学联盟科英布拉集团(Coimbra Group), LERU (League of European Research Universities)和Europaeum中的一员。 牛津大学历史 牛津大学历史悠久,但始建于哪一年,没有人能确切说得出来。牛津大学...
国际研究网络(International Research Network)占比5% 就业成果(Employment Outcomes)占比5% 可持续发展(Sustainability)占比5% 虽然排名指标没变化,但是排名却有了大变化,快来一起来看看2025QS排名都有哪些变化吧! 2025QS世界大学排名TOP20 最大的惊喜莫过于,帝国理工(IC)超越了牛津和剑桥,成为英国的领头羊。不仅如...
ShanghaiRanking’s Academic Ranking of World Universities,简称:ARWU 是世界范围内首个综合性的全球大学排名,2003年首次发布,今年发布的是第19版。 ARWU以其评价体系的客观和透明引领了国际大学排名的浪潮,是全球最具影响力和权威性的大学排名之一。 这个学术排名究竟有多学术呢?
While China's top research universities have increased their output of high-quality research in recent years, the country's most prolific producer of high quality research is the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is the leading institution in the index....
Academic Highlights: The University of Arkansas stands out as the only Tier One research institution in the state, ranking in the top 3% of American colleges and universities for research activity. Students can choose from 103 undergraduate majors across 10 colleges and schools. The most popular ma...