Solace Ragnarok Online is aiming to build a large community of RO players. Staying close with the official setting, we'll be improving the gameplay slowly...More #48 DarkRO: Rebirth DarRO Rebirth is a unique free to play Private Ragnarok Online 255/100 High-Rate server fused with Star Wars...
Guard is opening data 2018-02-17 Time 07:35 AM Gifts Full Stuff +8, Reborns, 1st, 2nd, Level 140, 100KK CPs(B) is the most popular private server for Conquer Online since 2012/2013 with Join as many as possible to reach more than +40 player in dayDetails ...
Welcome To Server zvbag Details Votes 0 42 Royal Dragonica Rates: exp x15 gold and gold drop x20Nice and frendly players/staff and much systems like gold to cash Details Votes 0 43 Dragonica Brawl Nouveau serveur Dragonica FR Rates x10 x10 x3 Chapitre: Ragnarok Aucun bugs venez nombreux ...
First private server to introduce Episode 20, our vision is to stay close with content updated from kRO, however we do customize out things that doesn't align with our high rate mindset. Stable game progression, we learned that giving players a good time to enjoy their hard farmed epic frui...
Meta Ragnarok Online 255/120???Official Group: ???Website: ???Mobile: ✅MetaRO is a 255/120 Transcendent Class Server. A High Rate, Unfrost and Farm Server. Some of the feature are from the popular ragnarok called...
scRO.onlineRagnarok Online Server START January 18 (01/18/2025) | Server Mechanics: Pre-Renewal (No 3x Job) | Max Lv: 50/50 | Rate : 5x/5x/10x | Episode: Custom World (Item 13.2) | Instant Cast: 150 DEX | Anti-Stun: 100 VIT | Anti-Status: 400 LUK | EXP Party Share: ±15...
21 2023-11-06 129 daisukiKaffuChino/reOpenLua-Open-Source 诸多修改版AndroLua+中的一种。 20 2024-01-13 130 PlexPt/factorio-chinese factorio 开源中文汉化语言包 19 2023-10-23 131 wsgggws/nvim Some vim plugs on neovim and its show on MacOS 18 2024-01-18 132 Casual-Ragnarok/ro-single-c...
34 lucikap/luci-app-ua2f 一个基于ua2f开发的配置界面,更简单的配置ua2f 12 0 2023-07-26 35 Casual-Ragnarok/ro-single-client 仙境RO 传说 - 单机客户端(登陆补丁) 16 0 2023-09-28 36 usiege/publisher WOW插件详细说明外部链接图文床,直接点击名称可查看详情。 12 0 2023-12-11 ...
Our server is multinational we are reviving the dream of a great server moving and developing towards a perpetual motion engine for our project Unqiue 100 lvl system, interesting PvP and PvM, Quests, 24/7 Admin Support Since 2007-2023 Details Votes 3 22...
In this site you can find private servers for almost every game Maplestory (soon to come stay tuned), Gunz, Knight online, Ragnarok, NEW - Cabal Online server (Yup, we got it using the new ILA 314e emulator)Join today and enjoy of everything we Details Votes 0 14...