10.COCA-COLA 可口可乐 (文末附有完整版100强名单) Telecom, food and beverages, and luxury brands lead Kantar BrandZ Most Valuable Global Brands 2023 report. 电信、食品饮料和奢侈品牌在凯度BrandZ《2023年最具价值全球品牌》报告中名列前茅。 Apple ($880 billion) took the top spot as the most valu...
6月12日,国际市场咨询机构Kantar凯度公布了2024年度BrandZ最具价值全球100强品牌榜单(BrandZ Most Valuable Global Brands 2024),今年的发布主题为“强品牌,强增长”。在服饰类别榜单中,安踏(ANTA)连续第四年上榜,以28.76亿美元的品牌价值位列第9名。 凯度BrandZ的数据在全球品牌价值评估领域具有重要参考价值,被誉为品...
The article reports on the BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands in 2010. Results indicated the resilience of brands under the technology category, the positive performance of brands in the beer and fast food categories, and the substantial change in brand value experienced by companies under...
A total of 18 Chinese brands entered the list of the 2021 Kantar BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands, only next to the US and gaps away from the European brands, a report launched on Tuesday shows. The total value of the 100 brands has grown by 42 percent, four times the averag...
国际市场咨询机构 Kantar Millward Brown ()公布了2022年度 BrandZ 全球最具价值100强品牌榜单(BrandZ Most Valuable Global Brands 2022)。 过去一年里,凯度 BrandZ™最具价值全球品牌的总价值增长了23%至8.7万亿美元。这凸显了强大品牌力在帮助企业应对全球经济动荡时的重要作用。自2006年榜单建立以来,凯度 BrandZ...
BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Ranking reveals growing power and influence of technology This website uses cookies We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. We also share information about your use of our ...
Huawei was also chosen by BrandZ in 2015 for its "Global Top 100 Most Valuable Brands," ranked 16th among science and technology brands. BrandZ valued the Huawei brand at over US$15.3 billion in 2015, while Brand Finance put the number at more than US$19.7 billion, up 70% from the ...
The world’s most valuable brandshave seen their total brand value increase by 5.9% despite the economic, social and personal impacts of COVID-19, according to the 2020 BrandZTMTop 100 Most Valuable Global Brands ranking released today byWPPandKantar. The total brand value of the Top 100 glo...
The total brand value of the top 100 brands has reached $5 trillion, equivalent to the annual GDP of Japan, according to the 2020 BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands report, which was released by global communication services provider WPP and Kantar. ...
一份行业报告称,科技巨头腾讯、白酒巨头茅台、短视频平台抖音、跨境电商希音和瓶装水生产商农夫山泉等中国品牌在各自的领域逆势而上,上榜最具价值全球品牌100强。 According to the Kantar BrandZ Most Valuable Global Brands Report 2023, some Chinese brands have shown remarkable momentum this year, boosting their...