And Deeper Adult Jokes In The 'Shrek' Movies That Went Over Your Head Also ranks #2 on The Best Movies Of 2001 8 The Incredibles Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Samuel L. Jackson 780 votes A family of superheroes is forced to hide their powers and live ordinary lives until a mysterious...
PBS Kids Games, jokes, and interactive stories, plus web sites for all of your favorite PBS characters. Build a virtual pet online. Time for Teletubbies Excellent BBC site for the teletubbies. Helping kids learn, discover and grow. Learn about Nickelodeon’...
Because it’s hard to keep a good man down. Why are dogs such poor dancers? They have two left feet. What’s big and gray, sings, and wears a mask? The Elephantom of the Opera. What do caterpillars study in school? Mothmatics. Why did the dachshund bite the woman’s ankle? Becau...
It was a kid who got me into playing it but it's my partner, a fully grown adult, who insists we hammer out a few rounds each night. Countless others have tried to emulate its success but few have succeeded. 57. The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind Released May 1, 2002 | Top 100 Score...
If you're like me, you watched a couple of episodes ofDaveand got turned off by all the sophomoric dick jokes and gave up. But then you heard it got better, so you watched a bit more, and sure enough, it did. By the first season finale, you thought to yourself, "Damn, this IS...
A Hat in Time is a perfectly-crafted, colorful indie game with 3D platforming and a lot of jokes, making it very enjoyable for both kids and grown-ups alike. No wonder we all wait for a sequel or expansion! The plot is rather absurd than epic, but you definitely have to experience ...
Games, jokes, and interactive stories, plus web sites for all of your favorite PBS characters. Build a virtual pet online. Time for Teletubbies Excellent BBC site for the teletubbies. Helping kids learn, discover and grow. Learn about Nickelodeon’s popular...
Provides the 100 most relevant Web sites for each major category, selected, edited and ranked by professional editors. Scores of categories including animals, autos, books, business, careers, entertainment, celebrities, chat, education, games, jokes, kid
I absolutely love how he jokes around. He seems like such a great guy to be around. He deserves more love. Ryan Reynolds is fine as hell. He is hilarious, cute, and an amazing person. Tom Hiddleston Thomas William Hiddleston is an English actor. He is best known for his role as Loki...
leaving us to wonder if everything we'd played in the first two games took place in a boy's imagination, or if the ending itself was simply another LeChuck voodoo spell. Regardless, the story, jokes, and pacing were all tightened up for the second chapter, making it arguably the best ...