Also ranks #33 on The Best Bands Named After Movies Also ranks #71 on The 80+ Best Metalcore Bands, Ranked 47 Say Anything 402 votes Say Anything's unique approach to pop-punk, incorporating elements of punk rock, emo, and indie, has made them a stand-out act within the genre since...
Also ranks #37 on The Best Punk Rock Bands & Artists Also ranks #51 on The Best Rock Trios Of All Time 26 Brand New 1,043 votes Brand New has consistently pushed the boundaries of pop-punk since their formation in 2000, incorporating elements of emo, alternative, and indie rock into th...
Why It Works: There’s been no shortage of 21st century indie bands who wanted to be The Boss, but the “Station” bridge — separated from the proper song via heavenly piano interlude — is as close as any of them ever got to actually being Born to Run-worthy. — A.U. 26. DUA ...
And here’s a playlist of, pretty much, all the acts on this year’s Top 100 Albums of 2022. But, of course, if you can, buy from the bands you love, the bands you discover, hit up their websites and Bandcamps, get out to your local record shop, support your local live music ...
You have to admire the audaciousness of Frankie; few bands would have the chutzpah to launch their careers with such a kaleidoscopic double album as this. ProducerTrevor Hornthrows everything into the 16 tracks here. Cover versions ofFerry Cross The Mersey,Born To RunandDo You Know The Way...
The 1980s have been fertile territory for so many young indie bands in recent years, but few have scoured darker corners than Destroyer, whose ninth record lays claim to critically devalued soft-pop from the early years of that decade. From the peculiar fade-in and drum clicks of opener "...
The 1980s have been fertile territory for so many young indie bands in recent years, but few have scoured darker corners than Destroyer, whose ninth record lays claim to critically devalued soft-pop from the early years of that decade. From the peculiar fade-in and drum clicks of opener "...
it’s probably something pretty special. Of course, as beautiful as the radio edit’s serpentine may be, the real fun and games are found in the song’seight-minute live bedroom take, where Sultana untaps levels of soul in loop pedals and guitar noodling to make jam bands across the glo...
Recording Studio, where bands like Sleater-Kinney, Pearl Jam, and The Postal Service have recorded. Larry Crane, who runs the studio and publishesTape Opmagazine, has a recording philosophy that really resonates with me. You can really feel it in the space. It felt very natural playing in ...
So I started learning reggae beats with other bands and playing more music. My family did a lot of music – my mother can sing a little bit. And my second brother is a good rapper too. So I [grew] up with music. MS: So when did you start singing and rapping?