Tonbridge School 汤布里奇公学 Tonbridge School(汤布里奇公...
拉德利公学于1847年成立,由两位牛津校友以牛津大学为蓝本建制而成,学校坐落在一个占地800英亩的美丽庄园中,具有一流的学术、寄宿、体育和课外设施。 图源| /2017/08/30/exclusive-radley-college-emerges-fourth-public-school-caught/ 拉德利公学位于古色古香的牛津郡,距离牛津...
简介:ISEB即Independent School Exam Board,为英国私立中学提供入学考试服务。 考试内容:包括Common Pre-test预考、11+和13+的Common Entrance考试,以及13+CE学术奖学金考试。考试科目通常包括英语、数学、科学,以及一些选修科目。 UKiset考试 简介:UK Independent Schools Entry Test,为9至17岁的非英语母语学生设计的...
近日,Telegraph发布了全球中学斩获牛津大学和剑桥大学offers排行榜,包括了英国的公立学校、私立学校以及海外的国际学校。 资料来源: 全球范围内,2023年获得牛剑offers最多的10所学校是: 第一名...
UKPlan 04-0109:23 在上期文章中我为大家分享了英国中小学的招生考试专题,今天我再给大家分享一下2018年英国最新的私立中学(Independent Schools)TOP 100排行榜。这份排行榜是国外专业网站基于2018年最新的GCSE(类似国内的中学结业考试)和A-Leve(类似国内的高考升学考试)考试成绩汇总得出的,具有较好的参考价值(部分好...
( top 100 Independent Schools by A-Level) This tablelists the Top 100 independent schools in the UK based on 2018 A Level results.Rankings are based on the percentage of A Level entries awarded A* and Agrades. Where students have been entered for Pre-U exams the tables include thepercenta...
图源| schools/cheltenham-ladies-college/ 在英国私立中学排名 Parent Power 2021中,切尔滕纳姆女子中学(Cheltenham Ladies' College)被评为“英国西南地区的最佳私校”。 这对龙凤胎兄妹,“哥哥”和“妹妹”你更钟意哪一所呢?
Dubai British School (DBS) is a member of the Taaleem Group of schools and was one of the first UK curriculum schools to open in the Emirates Hills area, providing an English National Curriculum education to families living in the Meadows, Springs, Lakes and wider new Dubai area. ...
but are considering relocating) and you and your family are researching some of the best private schools in Midlothian there is a big choice of high quality Midlothian schools, with a number of the Midlothian ’s highest ranking Independent schools considered to be some of the best in the UK...