近日,Telegraph发布了全球中学斩获牛津大学和剑桥大学offers排行榜,包括了英国的公立学校、私立学校以及海外的国际学校。 资料来源: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/education-and-careers/schools-colleges-top-10-oxford-cambridge-oxbridge-university-students/ 全球范围内,2023年获得牛剑offers最多的10所学校是: 第一名...
圣迈克尔学校是英国著名的菁英传统中学,提供全面的A Level、GCSE及医科预科课程,并且学生成绩一直在全英混校中名列前茅。圣迈克尔学校培养了众多优秀毕业生,升读到牛津大学、帝国理工学院、UCL、LSE等英国顶尖大学,在圣迈克尔学校选读A Level医科的学生100%升读到临床、口腔、药学、兽医等专业。 在2023 年的 A Level...
Founded in 1573, Queen Elizabeth’s School – or QE Boys for short – has long been regarded as one of the top all-boys grammar schools in the London area, and in the whole of the UK for that matter. The school is located in the North London Borough of Barnet and is easily accessib...
贝德福德学校Bedford School由英格兰及爱尔兰国王爱德华六世(King Edward VI)创办于1552年,为全英24大公学之一,是英国东南部Bedford市中心的一所走读及寄宿制男校。 2023年,Bedford School荣获《财富》杂志教育指南评选的2023年度“全球最领先寄宿男校Fortune’s World’s Leading Boarding Schools’ for 2023“称号,并...
Bristol Grammar School 布里斯托文法学校(BGS)是一所位于英国布里斯托的私立男女混校制走读学校, 招收4至18岁的学生. 学校由富有的布里斯托商人罗伯特和尼古拉斯·索恩资助, 于1532年根据皇家特许成立, 旨在教授“良好的礼仪和文学”. 此外,官方还统计出了最受欢迎...
The Royal Grammar School Guildford in Dubai opened in September 2021. It is the second school in the Middle East to be established in partnership with the 510 year old UK school - the other opened in Qatar in 2016. The Royal Grammar School Guildford UK is one of the most academically succ...
埃莉诺•霍利斯夫人学校是一间位于英国伦敦汉普顿的独立全日制女子学校。它是女子学校协会(英语:Girls' Schools Association)的成员。 在2021年的A-Level考试中,该校排名第10名,获得A+B的成绩佔总科目百分比达95.75%;在同年的GCSE考试中,该校排名第九名,获得A*&A成绩的学生比率达96.79%;2021年,有20%的中六毕业...
Foundations of English Grammar Teaching English to Young Learners Teaching Business English Teaching English Online Teaching Test Prep Skills Tutoring English Many folks who get TEFL certified are looking to only teach English abroad for a year or two. Should you decide that you want to make teach...
Grammar Schools Underperform, Says Top AcademicGRAMMAR SCHOOLS in Britain's biggest selective area are underperforming and have failed to deliver the exam results the brightest pupils deserve, new research by a leading academic and government adviser suggests.Cassidy, Sarah...
Will Private Schools Survive the Culture Wars? - "Protests over curricula, battles on social media—things got rough at private schools last year. But now it’s time for kids to go back to class. Here’s what to expect at drop-off." Australia Geelong Grammar School - founded in 1855. ...