Taking a cue fromBlade Runner, Alex Proyas’ 1998 magnum opus serves up a cerebral sci-fi extravaganza as filtered through the visual tropes of film noir and German Expressionism. The result is a staggering achievement in imagination that, likeBlade Runner, flopped at the box office only to b...
* Use my settings is only available for site members (membership is 100% free). Click on site preferences in the top-right corner to set which countries you want to see movies from. Top Blu-ray Deals The best Blu-ray deals online. Don't miss out on these great deals. ...
s 100 favorite films hollywood insiders were asked to pick their favorite movies of all time, providing us with a ranked list of 100 of the best movies ever made. john travolta and samuel l. jackson in pulp fiction, 1994. courtesy of miramax/courtesy everett collection share on facebook ...
Sales rank: 17 [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... Next » * Use my settings is only available for site members (membership is 100% free). Click on site preferences in the top-right corner to set which countries you want to see movies from.Top...
Over 300 filmgoers have voted on the 100 Best Movies of 1940. Current Top 3: Casablanca, The Grapes of Wrath, Fantasia
Over 6K filmgoers have voted on the 100+ Best Movies Of 2018, Ranked. Current Top 3: Avengers: Infinity War, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, A Quiet Place ...
The film is mediocre and lacks memorable content. Nothing distinguishes it from other movies with similar themes. Star Brian Keith is charismatic in the lead, but the chemistry with Kim Novak goes nowhere with any of the actors. The film is mildly interesting, with a few tense moments but li...
The same film over & over again, all filmed in Monument Valley. Tedious. Family What passes for "Family" today would have pushed June Cleaver past the grave and straight to the crematorium! I can hardly watch one without covering my kids ears and eyes. Summer Camp Movies Stop it, just ...
One of the great noirs of all time and one of the great feel-bad movies of all time.In a Lonely Placetreats redemption as a cruel joke, a spell of relief that lasts only long enough for us to view its obsolescence. The film takes jabs at Hollywood and celebrity while telling the kind...
imdb百强片(中文版)(Top100IMDBfilms(Chineseversion)) 发信人:普林斯潘(紫雨·享受挤车的痛苦),信区:clubk 标题:IMDB百强片(中文版) 发信站:广州蓝天BBS站(9月5日结婚10:46:492001),转信 1、《教父》教父1972年8.9分 科波拉黑帮经典《教父》的首部,派拉蒙公司最成功的影片之一,坐稳IMDB头把交 椅应属众望...