Numeum est le syndicat patronal et la première organisation des professionnels du numérique en France. Membre de la fédération Syntec qui constitue la deuxième branche représentative du MEDEF, il représente les entreprises de services du numérique (ESN), les éditeurs de logic...
+france +ipv6 +oracle +sem +eu +sou +orders +retail +wc +lx +op +xc +ares +find +alert +hm +german +case +nginx +wei +iss +engage +hu +mailbox +www14 +tiger +next +pma +gt +nw +commerce +backend +aj +lh +econ +chicago +fang +museum +ab +si +wf +advertising +nm +...
The crucial computing support from all WLCG partners is acknowledged gratefully, in particular from CERN and the ATLAS Tier-1 facilities at TRIUMF (Canada), NDGF (Denmark, Norway, Sweden), CC-IN2P3 (France), KIT/GridKA (Germany), INFN-CNAF (Italy), NL-T1 (Netherlands), PIC (Spain), ...
rCigophyt rAigmhet rAicmaner AicassnoAcisastoiocnia tfioorn tfhoer AthdevAandcveamnceenmt oefn tScoifeSncciee,n 2c0e1,62.0 16. In order for these materials to be used in a Polymeric Exchange Membrane (PEM)‐type photo‐ electrIon...
Fcainadlildya, tweengoedtetshCeNcaonfdQid,aatsesnhoodwesnCinNFoigfuQre, a5s. shown in Figure 5. Figure 5. The candidate node set of Q in Figure 2. 44..11..22.. CCaannddiiddaattee EEddggee SSeett FFiilltteerriinngg TThhee CCNNFFiilltteerriinngg ssttrraatteeggyy ccaann bbee uussee...
Longwall top-coal caving methods were initially developed in France and the former Soviet Union in the 1950s [4], and are mainly used for thick coal seam mining. The lower section of the thick coal seam is cut by a traditional longwall set-up, except for the chock supports in the ...
3.2. Test Setup The anchoring test was conducted on a computer-controlled hydraulic servo universal testing machine with a model number of WAW-1000B and a capacity of 100 tons, as shown in Figure 4a. The anchoring test was conducted on a 100-ton hydraulic universal tensile Buildings 2023, 13...
This result does not imply that the dike is 100% safe at these spots, because the small failure probabilities are predicted less accurately. The reason for the latter is that the 1000 samples of the Monte Carlo assessment were probably not sufficient to explore the tail of the distribution in...