CoinPaprika is a Cryptocurrency Market Research Platform. We deliver data from over 25 000 Cryptocurrency Markets. Check the latest Cryptocurrency Prices, Graphs, Cryptocurrency Exchanges ATH, Developer Teams, Community Statistics, Coin Market Caps.
100 Gnosis GNO 250.305.13 2.09% 647,915,168677,648 - Tier 1 cryptos require a minimum level of traded volume. - Tier 2 cryptos (marked with *) have less than the minimum volume. - Markets are cryptocurrency pairs traded at exchanges. We support currency pairs quoted in USD, GBP, EUR...
Top Cryptocurrencies by MarketCap The total crypto market cap today is $2.67 Trillion (0.66%) with a volume of $51.91 Billion (-37.21%) in the last 24H. DeFi Volume 24H: $6.13 Billion which makes 11.80% of the total crypto market. Highlights BTC: $67,716 + 0.59%24H 24H 72 ...
By investing in cryptocurrencies that are not reliably adequate projects, you run a high risk of losing everything. We at CoinMarketrate aim to ensure greater transparency of all cryptocurrencies on the open market. What do we believe in?
Around 50 of the top 100 coins by market cap see slight growth; Bitcoin has climbed above $6,600 again. Sunday, September 30: crypto markets are seeing a mix of red and green today. A little more than half of the top 100cryptocurrencieshave grown in the 24 hours to press ti...
1. Why bitcoin is the topmost cryptocurrency among top 10 cryptocurrencies? Concerning the market capitalization of all the cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin has the largest market capitalization of more than $100 billion so it is most accepted and easy to trade and also possesses a large community of inve...
Buy the dip, sell the rally This page gives you an overview of the market, the dip & the rally of top cryptocurrencies. If this is useful for you, please consider buying me a coffee. GitHub Blox Market Cap rank: 191 ● ⌃ Highestprice in 1895 days. Current price: $0.311225...
Find out which cryptocurrencies are the most stable and get a list of the best stable cryptocurrencies to invest in by market cap.
They lack in offering various other underrated cryptocurrencies. Security: The security offered by Coinbase is the best in the market. They even provide you with insurance. Control on the wallet: Coinbase is a centralized exchange. Hence, a user stores the cryptocurrency bought by him in a wal...
Ethereum, the digital token which prompted the rise of the initial coin offering (ICO), comes in second on our list of cryptocurrencies by market cap. It is significantly smaller than bitcoin; the current market cap is just shy of $50 billion, with a trading price of about $500 per toke...