Market intelligence firm ICIS has released its Top 100 Chemical Companies, a global listing of the leading producers of chemicals worldwide, ranked by 2022 sales. Once again, Germany-based BASF is the world's largest chemical company, with sales of US$93.7bn in 2022, up 11.1% versus 2021....
近期,ICIS发布最新世界化工企业100强排行榜(Top100ChemicalCompanies),对全球范围内主要化工企业进行了排名。万华化学凭借2021年1455亿人民币销售额位列榜单第九位。(微评:深挖洞、广积粮、缓称王,万华化学宜继续加大研发投入增厚技术积累降本增效抢占更多市场不当头默默布局新材料领域。) 微评有意思...
近期,ICIS发布最新世界化工企业100强排行榜(Top 100 Chemical Companies),对全球范围内主要化工企业进行了排名。万华化学凭借2021年1455亿人民币销售额位列榜单第九位。…
On June 27, 2023, the 2022 top 100 lists of China's pharmaceutical industry were released in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province.Fosun Pharma (Stock Code: 600196.SH, 02196.HK) was successfully ranked in the list of "China's Top 100 Chemical Pharmaceutical Companies in 2022"with its global R&D and p...
世界农化网中文网报道:近日,美国《化学与工程新闻》(Chemical & Engineering News,C&EN)发布″2024美国最大的50家化学公司″排行榜(US TOP 50 CHEMICAL COMPANIES OF 2024),陶氏、埃克森美孚和利安德巴塞尔蝉联前三位。该榜单按照相关公司2023财年的化学品销售额进行排名。
This blog features the world's top mining companies, their types of mines and products, and their latest revenue.
TOP 100: CHEMICAL DISTRIBUTORS 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 2 摘要: The article presents a series of profiles of chemical distribution companies such as Univar NV, Nexeo Solutions LLC, and Brenntag AG as of July 2013. The profiles mention products such as water treatment chemicals, services such...
(No. 134). Divided by region, Shandong has 22 chemical companies on the list of the top 500, demonstrating the absolute strength of the largest chemical province; Zhejiang Province, as a major private economy, has 11 private chemical companies. In addition, there are 8 in Jiangsu, 4 in ...
On July 25th, Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) released its Global Top 50 Chemical Companies for 2022. Wanhua Chemical ranks 17, and this is the fifth consecutive year that we are listed in it. With continuous deve...