Over 50k data points for unparalleled insights, comparison and analysis of college-prep schools 1,000+ Profiles of thousands of college-prep boarding and private day schools in the USA, UK and Canada 10,000+ Helped tens of thousands of parents and students who already subscribe to Prep Review...
图源|https://www.ukboardingschools.com/ schools/cheltenham-ladies-college/在英国私立中学排名 Parent Power 2021中,切尔滕纳姆女子中学(Cheltenham Ladies' College)被评为“英国西南地区的最佳私校”。这对龙凤胎兄妹,“哥哥”和“妹妹”你更钟意哪一所呢?05 Canford School VS Bedford School 这两所学校,...
信息源:Britannia https://www.topschoolguide.com/uk/league-tables/all-schools/top-100-schools-for-a-levels/ 信息源:Britannia https://britannia-study.co.uk/boarding-schools/a-level-league-table/ 这些学校凭借其卓越的学术成绩和全...
图源|https://www.ukboardingschools.com/ schools/cheltenham-college/ 切尔滕纳姆中学的课程设计涵盖多个范畴。学校会安排学生外出游历,以补充课本上学不到的知识,例如让学生到访喜马拉雅山脉进行考察等。 学校的体育教育源远流长,是最早引进橄榄球的四所学校之一,其他三所学校是 Rugby、Sherborne 和 Durham。 Cheltenham...
《UK Boarding Schools Guide》评为全英顶级的寄宿混校20强之一; 《TheGood Schools Guide》评为全英性价比最高顶级私校之一。 已关注关注重播分享赞关闭观看更多更多退出全屏视频加载失败,请刷新页面再试刷新视频详情 “教学质量和严谨...
The Show is a unique opportunity for parents in Monte Carlo and the South of France to meet the Heads and Admissions Directors of Britain’s most prestigious boarding schools, the organisers say. Top UK schools as well as education, property and relocation experts will be exhibiting, offering ...
There are more than 150 different co-educational boarding schools in the UK. Majority of the students go on to first class Universities . Recently many students considered to go to UK to further study. Below are a list of rankings you can take for reference: Ranking UK's Top 10 Bo...
Address Asian Acres, Vasant Vihar (Indra Nagar), Dehradun- 248001, UK, India About School: Established in 2000, The Asian School is a co-educational day-boarding institution that’s well renowned among the top residential schools in Dehradun. Operated under the Asian Educational Charitable Societ...
About Boarding School: Founded in 1440 by King Henry VI, Eton College is one of the leading boys’ boarding schools in the UK. Just a short distance from the famous Windsor Castle, the school boards around 1300 students. Modern, yet steeped in tradition, the school offers comprehensive ...
Set up to create a school that mirrored the more traditional UK public (meaning private) school (including a boarding option), there is no mistaking Repton Dubai. Located just off the main Dubai-Sharjah highway, the school with its turrets and cloisters resembles a popular fictional school. Ha...