All Lists Newest Add List For You Log InJoin All Top Ten ListsMiscellaneous My Top 10 Unpopular Opinions I have the unpopular opinions I want to share with you The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on. The Top Ten The Loud ...
SCAD的校刊从排版、印刷到内容都非常精良,内容一般会分为六大板块:culture/文化、Entertainment/娱乐、Opinion/观点、Fashion/时尚、Student Life/学生生活、Comics/漫画,每一个板块都不仅仅是案例的展示,更多的是关于某一话题性的探讨。 例如上一期的Opinion板块中主题是“Proclaim Your UNpopular Opinions”/赞扬你“不...
Really, not all opinions are worth respecting. That includes the people who hate Frozen. Pedophilia is Cool No. No it's not, there is nothing cool about having a sexual interest in children. I don't care how much this is unpopular it's still wrong Thank god only less than 1% of ...
re: Top 10 worst Champions in League of Legends My unpopular opinions know no bounds. I disagree with like, half of this list, but meh. I always laugh when I see people hate on Xerath so much. He's insanely powerful, and one of the only mages in the game who cancarry so hard. ...
Related:8 Unpopular Opinions About Young Justice, According To Reddit "His character development is the best. You see him wisen up as the story goes on," says RedditorTheHippyDragon. "By Season 3, he's one of the nicest guys in the team, a far cry from the hot-tempered jerk he was...
delayed sequel. Still, Top Gun: Maverick defied its detractors and became a cultural phenomenon with critics and audiences. Not every fan is aboard the Maverick hype train, though, and many Redditors still believe the film is not all that, expressing their unpopular opinions for the world to...
“Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us.” -Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas We all have the freedom to choose what we read and the freedom to express our opinions even...
I’m sure opinions vary, and there are popular and unpopular ones. For the most part, I think most players care more about balance. Some care about aesthetic appeal. And there are some who want to get the best of both worlds. Here are all the Rainbow Six Siege maps ranked worst to ...
3. Courageous A courageous leader is one who is prepared to take risks, share unpopular opinions,give difficult feedbackand raise hard issues. Often, they are also someone who is able to admit to their own mistakes. And although fearlessness is a rare trait, it’s not impossible to develop...
Commenting on the first moon landing. In 'Reactions to Man’s Landing on the Moon Show Broad Variations in Opinions', The New York Times (21 Jul 1969), 6. Science quotes on: | Chief (99) | Creature (242) | Exertion (17) | Extravagant (10) | Form (976) | Greatest (330) | ...