In the gripping drama Midnight Express, Billy Hayes (Brad Davis), an American student, faces a horrifying ordeal after he's caught smuggling drugs out of Turkey. His seemingly straightforward crime spirals into a nightmare when he's sentenced to thirty years in a Turkish prison. The film, dir...
YouTube’dan MP3’e Dönüştürücü, quite similar to MusicaMP3, is a free YouTube to MP3 and MP4 downloader in Turkish. It effortlessly and quickly creates MP3 music and MP4 videos with your given YouTube ID or URL. The most important is that the online download service is not only...
I'm in a bit of a love affair with Turkish bands lately: Gore Dimension, Devoured Elyisum and anything Mustafa Gürcalioğlu's in all hit that specific area of my brain that makes me wanna DROP some fuckin HAMMERS. It mostly seems to have to do with the signature mid-heavy guitar t...
His TikTok entries are primarily short videos of him cooking sumptuous Turkish meals with his face wearing a seemingly fixed smile. 52. RODRIGO CONTRERAS @elrodcontreras (28.2 M) – Top Tiktokers Rodrigo Contreras is one of Mexico’s top TikTok influencers who rose to popularity for his dance...
Burak Ozdemir is aTurkish chefwho shares his Turkish recipes on TikTok. His captivating smile and beautiful food presentation have attracted many fans. Ozdemir is currently a millionaire with anet worth of $12 million. (Source: Instagram)
10. Burak Özdemir Burak Özdemir, better known as CZN Burak, cooks up a storm on TikTok with his creative culinary creations. This Turkish chef and restaurateur is famous for his cheerful face while preparing enormous portions of Mediterranean cusine. Burak’s wholesome content and charitable ...
On Mr. Badii’s search to find someone to provide his wish, he runs into a Turkish taxidermist who drives him around the dusty roads of Iran while trying to convince the suicidal man of life’s beauty. Critics liked it. Time wrote, “The talk flows persuasively; the picture pulses with...
On Mr. Badii’s search to find someone to provide his wish, he runs into a Turkish taxidermist who drives him around the dusty roads of Iran while trying to convince the suicidal man of life’s beauty. Critics liked it. Time wrote, “The talk flows persuasively; the picture pulses with...
Ephesus (Greek: Ἔφεσος Ephesos; Turkish: Efes; ultimately from Hittite Apasa) was an ancient Greek city on the coast of Ionia, three kilometers southwest of present-day Selçuk in İzmir Province, Turkey. It was built in the 10th century BC on the site of the former Arzawan...