He knows all my tickle spots, and I was supposed to have a sleepover with him that day. So, after a 45-minute bus ride plus a few hours of tickling during the sleepover, I finally got home to relax. I haven't really tickled a girl's sides yet, but I'll tell you this. I was...
There are two types of tickling: knismesis and gargalesis. The first involves light, tingling tickles on various spots, and the second is more intense, meant to make someone jump and laugh. I like both. My mother often does both types. She tickles my stomach every day when I come home...
TOP 10 GOOD PRANKS FOR COLLEGE Please Note:These lists are informational (THE WORLD'S TOP 10!) and not the views of FUN STUFF TO DO with regard to respectful behavior in a learning environment! Good Pranks for College FERTILIZE - Spray liquid fertilizer on the lawn. Use the spray to spel...
The main advantage of using more than one video search engine is that even though many top search results will be the same, there will also be noticeable differences. Plus, the blind spots of a specific search engine won't become your own. Each engine uses different video search algorithms ...
Before the procedure, the 6-foot-4 right-hander showed off a 95-97 mph fastball that could tickle the occasional triple digits. It was a velo-over-movement offering, but that type of heat is still rare. A mid-80s curveball was his best bat-missing pitch in 2022, earning whiffs on 41...
Sometimes I get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of things that I forget to look for the bright spots in our day. …And then I remember the words that my husband wrote to me 10 years ago. And not only do I remember to smile, but I remember everything that I have to smile...
12. The LEGO Movie (178 lists; 9 top spots) Pop-culture jokes ricochet off the heads of younger viewers to tickle the world-weary adults in the audience, with just enough sentimental goo applied at the end to unite the generations. Parents will dab their eyes while the kids roll theirs....
Tell jokes, silly stories, embarrassing moments; poke, tickle, or whisper silly words to each other since those are the things that cause a reaction. We all know kids tend to lean into forced smiles (“Say cheese!” > > not natural and not always the smile we’re going for as parents...
With a wider range than ever before, including the addition of no fewer than 16 new self-guided adventures for this year, now’s the perfect time to branch out and try self-guided for the first time. If you’re an old hand, then hordes of new choices are there to tickle your fancy...
During the “Tickle Me Elmo Craze,” shoppers trampled store employees and engaged in physical battle all in the name of the Christmas spirit. 1997: Tamagotchi The Strong - National Museum of Play 1997: Tamagotchi Original estimated retail price: $17.99 Before cell phones, teens and pre-teens ...