This visually stunning and emotionally resonant drama tells the story of a gay college professor mourning the loss of his longtime partner in 1960s Los Angeles. As he contemplates the meaning of life and the nature of love and longing, the film delves into themes of grief, isolation, and the...
momhishermissesfreshmanreasonscollege Whodoesn’tlovehugs?!›Everybodyneedsahugonceinawhile,whetheracelebratoryhugorahugtomakeyoufeelbetterafteraroughdayAndwho’sbetterathugsthanyourmom?!http://.youtube/watch?v=CH_xFEWvyu4Sometimesyoujusthavethoseprojectsyoudon’twanttoworkon›Oryou...
Youhei is very lazy perverted freshman in high school who just wants to live his life aimlessly, and not care for the trivial things this world deals with. He’s no good at anything he does and lacks the drive to stick to any particular subject. All he cares about is girls and so one...
Plus, in freshman year, I was rarely included by my friends. Wannabe rappers I've seen my share of preppy white boys as wannabe rappers. It's bad. Really bad. Hey, hey, hey, hey, what's up everybody, stand up, stand up. I'm rapping right now, and this is very stupid. Look...
The school season is finally here, folks. Whether you’re looking to pick up an affordable laptop for an elementary student or something more powerful for a college freshman, we’ve got several options to choose from right here. However finding the right laptop for your studies can be difficu...
These students must be planning to continue studies in Latin and Greek culture or the classics during college. Classic coursework must be taken as a college freshman and cannot be at a beginning level. Each scholarship is worth $1000. Learn more 72. Scholarships for Transfer Students The ...
and is the next nicest dorm to live in. Its close to 251 North, where most North Campus students have a once – a – week pass to an all you can eat buffet. Adjoined is the 24 hour Campus Shop for your late-night snacking needs. Trust me, this is a lifesaver during finals week...
With so many coaches it was a difficult task to narrow the field down to the 100 sexiest in college basketball. But it was a lot of fun! Definitions of sexy vary so I tried to make sure the list had a little bit of everything, including members of the media. I selected 10 media ...
Freshman:I have had an amazing experience here at University of Michigan - Ann Arbor. I really love the campus and the people here as well as the fact that Ann Arbor is the perfect college town. The academics here are incredible and it is what made me choose this school to begin with....
These students must be planning to continue studies in Latin and Greek culture or the classics during college. Classic coursework must be taken as a college freshman and cannot be at a beginning level. Each scholarship is worth $1000. Learn more 72. Scholarships for Transfer Students The ...