Updated by Ivan Spasojevic on October 24, 2024- new game added Survival games are a relatively recent phenomenon when it comes to gaming, it certainly wasn't around until very recently, but now there are elements of it which are permeating into other genres all the time. As a matter of...
Breaking from the usual shooter survival games found in the Play Store, Day R is offering a classic RPG gameplay but still maintaining the survival theme. Set in an alternate USSR in the 1980s, survivors must find ways to go to a safe haven for them to live. The area changes seasons to...
(一)“副玩法”新游代表:《Last War:Survival Game》和《マジックカード:Save dog》《Last War:Survival Game》是一款SLG产品,其“副玩法”是【选择闯关】即“左边增加人数、右边减少人数”。Sensor Tower数据显示,《Last War:Survival Game》进入2024年之后表现强势。截至2月25日,美国iOS端预估收入超过880...
Over the past decade, zombie survival games have continued to grow in popularity as gamers look to test their skills against the undead. With immersive storylines and intense gameplay, zombie games offer gamers a thrilling experience that is sure to keep you on your toes. If you’re a fan o...
榜单之外,入围全球发行商收入Top100的中国手游发行商依次是Hortor Games、鹰角网络、冰川网络、雅乐科技、智明星通、星嘉游戏和乐逗游戏共37家厂商。01 黑马:First Fun拿下收入前五 3家新厂商挤进Top10 在2月这个春节档期间,玩家的空闲时间和消费能力均呈现出显著的上升趋势。因此,各大游戏厂商面临的首要任务便...
而米哈游的《崩坏:星穹铁道》逆势反超自家的另一款游戏《原神》,以3.8亿美金的收入排行第八,同时成为2024年H1全球最最最畅销的二游;紧随其后排行第九是略显疲态的《Coin Master》,营收3.7亿金美金;第十是点点互动的《寒霜启示录》营收3.69亿美金,与元趣娱乐旗下的《Last War: Survival Game》偏策略...
2024年开年不到两个月,国内副玩法在海外有不少亮眼的成绩: 一是SLG产品《Last War: Survival Game》在1月收入环比增长169%,发行商First Fun因此首次跻身Sensor Tower1月收入榜单前十;二是冰川网络海外发行《マジックカード:Save dog》投放表现强势,1月基本稳定在日本iOS免费榜TOP5。
10. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) “PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG)” is a battle royale game where players parachute onto an island, scavenge for weapons and gear, and fight to be the last one standing. Known for its intense gameplay and large maps, PUBG combines survival with ...
2024年开年不到两个月,国内副玩法在海外有不少亮眼的成绩: 一是SLG产品《Last War: Survival Game》在1月收入环比增长169%,发行商First Fun因此首次跻身Sensor Tower1月收入榜单前十; 二是冰川网络海外发行《マジックカード:Save dog》投放表现强势,1月基本稳定在日本iOS免费榜TOP5。
2024 has been a bumper year for newsurvival games, but one of the most unique is V Rising. With a large open-world map to explore, you play as a vampire that’s on the hunt for the red stuff in order to increase in power. If you head outside in the daytime, you need to stick...