Discover South Island glaciers 3. Find inspiration in the night sky Stargazing with your loved one, Christchurch - Canterbury There’s no better time for stargazing than winter. Visibility improves due to lower humidity and the nights are longer, so you don’t have to stay up as late!
Top 10 summer experiences in the North Island Top 10 summer activities in the North Island Looking for summer fun in the North Island? From sunny beaches to thrilling outdoor adventures, here are ten top activities to make the most of your summer getaway. ...
queenstown 從Queenstown開車到Milford Sound車程大概要四個小時,觀光船的行程一天可能只有兩、三班,所以各位在預訂船票的時候要注意一下時間,通常最早的一班船為10:30~11:00左右,票價會相對便宜,而中午的船班票價通常都會比較貴。我是在Realjourneys的網站上訂票的,上面有很多行程供各位參考。 Queenstown 周邊美食:Fer...
04.英基国际学校(Island School + West Island + South Island) 典型的英国学校,ESF英基成立的原意并不是要做国际学校,而是为来香港工作的英国人子女提供教育。一百年来,追求精英教育的心态,大量华人将子女送到 Island School。 考IGCSE然后IB, Island School系列的学生虽然缺乏 CIS 的aggressiveness,却多一份人性化...
SOUTH ISLAND,新西兰南岛,是组成新西兰的主要两个海岛之一,位于新西兰南部。它的地理面积更大,而人口更少。北以库克海峡与北岛相隔;南隔福沃海峡与斯图尔特岛相望,西距澳大利亚1600公里,东邻汤加、斐济。毛利语中的南岛为"Te Wai Pounamu",翻译成中文就是"绿玉水"的意思。南岛海岸线长6900千米,有许多美丽的海滩。
Hurawalhi Island Resort LUX South Ari Atoll 接下来我来一一简单介绍下,并总结一些推荐的理由,如有误请指正。感谢。 1 AYADA Maldives阿雅达 2011年开业的阿雅达位于卡夫大鲁环礁南部的一个小岛上,隶属于Aydeniz酒店,名字来源于创建者Aydeniz先生和太太Ada女士的名字。岛屿以橙色做为点缀颜色,鲜艳且温暖。自开业以来...
South Australia is blessed with some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Discover more with our checklist of South Australian beaches to check out this summer.
2. Jeju Island, South Korea – Squid Game Player 067’s dream destination The Songaksan Mountain on Jeju Island Jeju Island is a large land mass in the Korea Strait and one of the most beautiful natural places in Asia. Jeju is a geologist’s paradise of craters and lava tubes formed by...
The government charges no corporate taxes to companies foreign and domestic companies that are permanently established on the island. Financial companies are charged a flat 10% corporate tax rate while large corporate retailers andutility companiespay 20%. Jersey does not tax dividends or capital gain...