Discover the best schools for environment and ecology research. 10. Imperial College London 9. Peking University 7 (tie). Tsinghua University 7 (tie). University of Queensland Australia 6. University of California—Berkeley 4 (tie). Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zur...
不管是创业、市场营销,还是人力资源、国际商务,澳大利亚的管理硕士无疑是世界顶尖的,在福布斯MBA榜单上,该学院也位列第11名。 商学院网址: 昆士兰大学 University of Queensland Business School Top 115 昆士兰大学商学院是澳大利亚第一所获得世界两大商学院组织AACS...
Founded in 1989, this school won “Best Emerging Business 2016” at the Westpac Auckland Business Awards and it is now a member of Academic Colleges Group (ACG). It is one of eleven New Zealand schools that have Weta Workshop affiliations, along with Ara Institute of Canterbury, Auckland Uni...
University Introduction 昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland),简称UQ,1909年12月10日成立于昆士兰州首府布里斯班,这里是澳大利亚的第三大城市,总人口约257万,仅次于悉尼与墨尔本。这座城市在亚太地区蓬勃发展,堪称全球商业、技术、大型活动和教育中心。昆士兰...
首先是TOP10,恭喜MIT连续12年稳坐QS世界大学排名第一把交椅!今年第二依然是剑桥,稳居英国第一,牛津上升至第三位;前十当中最大的“搅局者”当属新国立和UCB,两校排名创下历史新高,并首次闯入世界前10!前者位居第八,后者位居第十! 芝加哥大学和加州理工双双跌出前十!其他几个学校排名则轻微变动。
Washington University in St Louis United States 52 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill United States 53 Wageningen University & Research Netherlands 54 Australian National University Australia 54 The University of Queensland Australia 54
US News的大学排名有三种,分为美国大学本科排名、美国大学研究生院排名和世界大学排名,本科称为Best Colleges,研究生院(包括硕士及博士)称为Best Graduate Schools,世界大学排名称为Best Global Universities。随着高等教育的全球化,US News于2014年10月正式...
University of Queensland is at forty-second rank, University of Melbourne at forty four, University of Newcastle and Queensland University of Technology holds forty five and forty seven respectively. Neighboring country New Zealand holds two entries with University of Canterbury amongst the top twenty ...
Top architecture schools in the US & Canada The US has a total of 14 universities ranked among the world’s top 50 for architecture, and a further 8 ranked within the top 100. Aside from the three featured in the top 10 – MIT, University of California, Berkeley...
Top archaeology schools in Australia & New Zealand Australia claims several representatives in the ranking, includingAustralian National University, theUniversity of Sydney, theUniversity of Melbourne,La Trobe University, theUniversity of Queenslandand theUniversity of Western Australia. ...