With two highly rated films released in close proximity to each other, 2016 marked a special year for anime. Based on Yoshitoki Ooima's highly rated manga, A Silent Voice tackles themes of bullying, guilt, peer pressure, and friendship. Developed by Kyoto Animation, this film does not shy ...
Vampires rank among the highly-rated supernatural creatures, and this applies even to hentai anime. However, not all vampires are badass or mysterious; some are comically clumsy and struggle to drink blood, even though their lives depend on it. When Mari, a hybrid of vampire and succubus, as...
Whether you loved the original manga or are discovering the material for the first time through the anime, you can't go wrong with these fan-favorite adaptations: "Jujutsu Kaisen," "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba," "One Piece," "Bleach: Thousand-Year Blo
If you enjoy watching anime, GogoAnime is one of the best anime streaming sites you must try. 4. 9Anime The next anime streaming site is 9Anime. The site claims to play anime series and movies in ultra-high definition quality. It features Japan’s top-rated anime series. The site is ...
5 Top-Rated Anime Based on Manga: Get details on these fan-favorite anime series based on manga: "Jujutsu Kaisen," "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba," "One Piece," "Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War," and "Attack on Titan."
The Top Ten Revealed: With Katie Daryl, Pete Giovine, Matt Pinfield, Lyndsey Parker. Katie Daryl puts the spotlight on the most influential songs, bands, and musicians in the history of rock and roll as she counts down the top ten with a rotating panel o
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The website lists top-notch Donghua content handpicked for you to find best chinese anime. What sets us apart? Users have full power to make their own list of preferred Donghua series. This feature lets users craft personalized lists and exchange these with others. Users also get to check ...
Furry Animal Magic is a series of illustrations put together by Mike Gordon (mrgstudios.com) and jhorsley3 (jhorsley3.com). It puts furry funny animals in inappropriate situations that often involve things of a rated R nature. #3128
Its commitment to exclusive simulcast events and access to multimedia rights has made ANIPLUS HD the top-rated anime channel in Korea. The channel has reached over 13 million households in Asia including Thailand and Indonesia markets, and almost 50 percent of ANITOWN (Korea’s ...