From the end of the Roman Empire to the eighteenth century auctions lost favor in Europe, while they had never been widespread in Asia. In some parts of England during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries auction by candle was used for the sale of goods and leaseholds. This auction began...
000 square foot production space, are part of the undergraduate and graduate film program at DePaul. The school offers both graduate and undergraduate tracks in animation, film and television; DePaul also offers a 10-week immersion program in Los Angeles and collaborations with the celebrated Second...
Fractal works with Fortune 500 firms to help them automate every human decision they make. Details of the startup: Started in: 2000 Founders: Pranay Agrawal, Srikanth Velamakanni Industries: Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Business Intelligence, Consulting, Machine Learning Number of emp...
In particular, the mbjj distribution con- firms that most of the background from misidentified leptons is originating from top-quark events. In Fig. 2, and also in all other similar figures included in this document, the error bar enclosing each data point represents the 68 % confidence ...
The top 10 poses (according to the scoring function energies) were selected to further structural analysis by calculating the root mean square deviation (RMSD) of each pose against its conformation in the crystal structure. We used three different RMSD classifications for docking solutions: (a) ...
aNNqXGMqiTAaWeQqChXIFoMVf1Gk0McDwhBDVVmcR375mKpinVwkmMsAD3Nkq29tHyhSi8FiRMsZ QU0IjXgGZ6HGFE0NPkZsC2d/B6Db5tpHXHzsOngB6lVYaGX6W+Kj4tmECQSeRHaHR2fOdsjX9Nsj KE8eUAJr5qymRe1noxs3X8yQgNx0M0lIgtzkaJuRczj6Cr7943IFC1UoPkDM9+f9UG00Utn6nYbi SXj5tvlsVIuLG0Y0gW7BvLLKX4ixKGu1jv4nZB4YMy6...